“Is it Carts?”

Her eyes rounded. “What? No. No. Not at all.”

His features relaxed. “Tell me. Maybe I can help?”

The bus drew up. One of his fingers touched hers, trailing a line of fire up her arm. “Talk to me, Al.”

He stepped closer and she almost swayed into him. How easy to just give in. The old Alice would. Except giving in to temptation would only be putting off the inevitable. Because if it wasn’t now, with Lauren, it would be later, with someone else.

She lifted her chin. “I don’t want to talk. I haven’t even begun to process it myself.”

He looked bewildered. “I have to see you. Soon.” He sounded urgent, desperate almost.

“Come on, you love birds. Make your mind up. Are you on or off?”

Their heads jerked up in unison. The bus driver guffawed. “The bus. On or off?”

Alice ripped her hand away. “I’ll call you. Tomorrow.” His face turned up to her as she took the steps and waved her card at the machine. “We can go for a drink, a meal, there’s something I need to—”

Swooooshhh.The bus doors slammed shut.

Alice stumbled along the aisle, her eyes swimming in tears, groping for a seat.

Thank goodness, there was one left. On the street side. She slumped into it as her glasses fogged up.

Either way, she wouldn’t have to see Aaron standing there as the bus drove away.