“Yep. Saturday morning at 11 a.m. Listen to this:Ethical Investment. How to save for your future and save the planet.” Polly chucked her phone back on the vanity. “We’ll justhappento be there.”

“What if Aaron doesn’t show?”

“Aaron will show. Despite all his bravado he wouldn’t let the Blake side down. He’ll want to be associated with the movers and shakers now he’s about to become one.”

“Should I text and let him know?”

“Nope. Absolutely not. You need the element of surprise.”

By now Polly was working on the final touches, a transparent coat of colour protector. Her toes shone a rich shade of purple and Alice suddenly got the appeal. It was like those little flaps on the end of your feet finally had purpose and meaning. No longer dispensable bits of flesh, best hidden inside thick socks and slippers; they knew what they were meant to do—they were meant toshine.

“Polly,” Alice said after a moment’s deliberation. “Would you paint my nails?”

“Sure, Munchkin. Choose a colour.”