Polly shrugged. “Can’t or won’t? But okay, we can keep this one for when you go clubbing.”

“I am not going clubbing. Strobe lights and loud music are palpitation hell.”

“Okay, then we’ll have a party.”

“What do you mean ‘we’?”

“At our place.”

“No way.” Alice shuddered at the thought of all the smashed Victorian crystal glasses that were Rowena’s pride and joy.

“Boring,” Polly snorted. “Try the champagne-coloured one with the padding, that’ll definitely take you up another cup size.”

Fifteen minutes later, Alice was paying for three new bras that she was quite sure were a scandalous extravagance, when Polly whispered, “Don’t look now, but there’s Carts immersed in Victoria’s Secret.”

Which meant Alice had to look, naturally.

Carts and lacy undies were as incongruous a combination as her and lacy undies.

Carts was bent forward, squinting at some tiny French briefs splashed with scarlet roses. Alice watched as he gingerly pulled them off the rack and held them up like he was trying to work out some difficult mathematical problem. The shop assistant handed Alice back her credit card and, before she knew it, Polly had left her side and was navigating the aisles towards Carts like a she-wolf after her prey.

Carts nearly jumped out of his skin as Polly touched him on the arm.

His face turned almost the same colour as the silk panties he was holding.

Alice’s heart went out to him. She really needed to save him from Polly. Grabbing her bag of bras, she hurried over to them.

“Hi Carts, do you need some help choosing?” Polly’s green eyes were twinkling with mischief.

“Oh, no, um, thanks, I think I’ve decided.”

“Who are they for?”

Carts didn’t answer and Polly grinned. “They’re too small for you, Carts.”

Carts’ eyes landed on Alice and his blush went up another notch. “Just… someone.”

“You don’t have to tell her.” Alice tried to sound reassuring. Poor Carts. Sometimes Polly didn’t read the signs. Or if she did, she delighted in ignoring them. “If you want to keep it private, that’s your choice.”

Carts shuffled and flicked at his long fringe with the back of his hand. “Ah-erm—oh, so what if you know? They’re a present for Lucy.”

Polly’s brows rose. “You two are still an item, then?”

Carts’ laugh was altogether too jolly. “Why wouldn’t we be?”

Polly smiled sweetly and didn’t say a word. Her trick, Alice knew all too well, of using silence to make someone jump in with the very thing they didn’t mean to say. Sure enough, after a beat Carts finished: “We’ve just been having a little time apart before we take things to the next stage.”

Polly’s smile saidgotcha.“Is this part of an engagement present?”

Carts cast another glance at Alice. His brown eyes reminded her of a pleading puppy. “Not exactly,” he mumbled.

Polly relented on the teasing. “Well, it’s a lovely gesture, regardless of what’s going on between you. But with Lucy’s colouring, you need to be careful what red you choose. Go for neutrals, or if you think she might like something more vibrant, emerald green would suit her skin tone.” With that, she raced off to the seriously expensive section, leaving Carts and Alice to trail behind.

Carts concertinaed his torso towards Alice and whispered, “Myer should give her a commission.”

Alice grinned. “She’s managed to get me to buy up half the stock in my lunch break.”

Carts’ gaze filled with sudden curiosity. “If you don’t mind me being personal, what did you buy? It’s just, I’m trying to be better at understanding women’s tastes.”