Chapter Nineteen



Well,last night didn’t go at all how I expected. Except for the sex. That was hot as fuck. But Bentley asking me to basically be his girlfriend was way out of left field.

So much so that I almost told him no. I enjoy having sex with him. Before he came along, I hadn’t found anyone to rock my world like he does. The thought of losing that because we put a label on things… Well, I didn’t like that.

Though, as I stare at his sleeping form now, I’m thinking maybe this won’t be so bad.

Bentley is my complete opposite, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy the way he challenges me. At least, most of the time.

I prop myself up on my elbow, and with the other hand, my pointer finger traces the muscles in his bicep. “Good morning, dickmatizer.”

He cracks one eye open and turns a little more toward me. “What did you just call me?”

My lips quirk into a smile. “A dickmatizer.”

Bentley sits up a little straighter. “Shouldn’t you be the dickmatizer?”

I lean forward and capture his lips with my own. “Depends on the day. Or night.”

Before he can get his incoming arm around me, I roll out of bed, and he pouts. It’s an action that I find hot as fuck.

“Come back to bed,” he demands, throwing back the blankets.

I give my head a shake, even though I really want to do as he says. “I need to get to work. Some of us don’t run our own companies and we have to show up on time.”

His legs swing off the bed, and he strides toward me, naked and proud. “Let me at least make you breakfast.”

My heart warms as my head nods, even though I’m not a huge breakfast person. “What are my choices?”

He smirks and raises the back of his hand before trailing it down my side. “My recommendation is dick in bed, but we also have eggs, bagels, and cereal varieties.”

This new side of Bentley, the one that’s light and carefree, isn’t someone I thought he was capable of being, but it’s only adding to his appeal.

“As tempting as option one is, I really do need to get to work. I’ll take a bagel. Toasted, please.”

He grabs the back of my neck and kisses me thoroughly. “You’re missing out.”

Oh, don’t I know it, I think as he exits the bedroom butt-ass naked.

I grab my clothes and dress quickly before grabbing a sweatshirt from Bentley’s closet and his sweatpants that were neatly folded on a shelf inside the big walk-in space.

As I head downstairs, my heart is fuller than it has been in a long time. Whatever worries I had before about ruining what we had by putting a label on our relationship were hopefully nothing more than ridiculous thoughts.

* * *

Thirty minutes later,Bentley drops me off at home, and I hurriedly get ready for work. By the time I arrive at Global Tech, there are only a few minutes to spare. This is the latest I’ve shown up since I got my promotion, and though I’m not late, I feel almost guilty.

Waiting at my desk is Glen. I haven’t really talked to him since the day my promotion was announced.

“Good morning, Glen,” I say and sidestep him to get in my door. “Can I help you?”

He adjusts his clip-on tie, but it’s still crooked. “You’re late with the write-up for the Parson project.”

Oh, this dude. He is way out of his depth right now, and I’m about to show him that.