Chapter Fifteen



I’d goneto Bentley’s house to tell him I was done playing games and that I would accept his apology if it was still on the table. Then, he’d answered the door half naked, and the only thought I could focus on was how his gray sweatpants leftnothingto the imagination.

Before I knew it, we were in his bedroom and fucking the sense right out of each other. I rode the shit out of him, taking out any lingering aggressions while I marked his chest with my nails. When he finally came, I’m pretty sure he lost consciousness for a moment, thanks to my talented hips, and I fell into a heap on his soft mattress.

Even though Bentley said he wouldn’t kick me out, I decide to leave on my own this time. It’s nearing one in the morning, and I’m going to be exhausted again tomorrow. Though, the ache between my legs reminds me that fucking Bentley is well worth any loss of sleep.

I get in my car and look back up at his monstrous house. That man is more of a contradiction than anything else I’ve ever encountered.

Before I can change my mind, I put the car in drive and head home to my studio apartment where there is little-to-no privacy in the space outside of the small bathroom.

I reach to turn the radio on and drown out thoughts of Bentley, but not even the hip-hop music blasting through my car can make me ignore the growing feelings I have for that pain-in-the-ass man.

I’ve always heard that the line between love and hate was blurry, but I never understood the saying until now. Not that I’m even close to falling in love with Bentley Abbott, but I can see myself fighting and fucking him for the foreseeable future, toeing that line just to see which side I end up on.

Just depends on how he reacts to being left.

I’m not usually one to play games, but something about Bentley drives me to the brink of insanity and makes me do things I normally wouldn’t.

Within twenty minutes, I’m home, stripped naked, and the scent of Bentley’s woodsy cologne still clings to me. I take a deep inhale and close my eyes.

Tomorrow will be an interesting day.

* * *

When I waketo my alarm, I stretch and groan. My sore muscles remind me of the night before, and I let out a sigh of happiness. When I reach for my phone to turn off the beeping, there’s a text on my screen.

Fucker: You left.

They’re only two words, but they sure do make me grin.

Me: I did.

I get in the shower and ready for work before I check my phone again. I tap the screen and there are no new notifications.

Well, okay, then. Off to work I go.

I check the weather and decide it’s still warm enough out for a dress that I can pair with my new tan boots. The flower print hangs loosely around my waist and hits my knees, so it’s still modest enough for work, especially with the capped shoulders.

Once I’m dressed, I head to the office and forget about my phone for more than half the day. There are meetings to lead, employees to update, assignments to follow up on, and codes to fix.

As much as I’d like to know if Bentley cares that I left, I just don’t have the time.

When I do find a free moment, it’s nearing two in the afternoon. There’s a thread of texts from Piper and Ella in our group chat that I’ll have to get to later and one from Bentley, sent just after I got to work.

Fucker: Why?

I should probably change his name to something more appropriate, but I focus more on the singular question. He at least cares enough to wonder why I didn’t wait until the morning to leave as he must have expected.

Me: Because I’m a grown woman and wanted to go home. Is that a problem?

I browse the texts from my best friends. Poor Piper still has no idea how to solve her work problems, and I feel for her. Maybe this is a sign that she shouldn’t abandon us for California. Though, I’ll never tell her that. I might be selfish at times, but not when it comes to Ella and Piper. They get the best of me.

Fucker: Not a problem. Just surprised.