Page 32 of Twisted Therapist

During the dinner, when Hayden asked about the therapy sessions, Ivy seemed more than happy to talk about it. How it helped her and how she was getting praised for fulfilling her assignments.

I cleared my throat. “Because of some reason, my friend will take over her therapy sessions from now on.”

“What?” Ivy asked, “Why? You are… you are perfect. I feel more comfortable with you.”

Zara looked between us, and judging by the twinkle in her eyes, she knew.

I kept my fork down. “My friend is more than capable of helping you, Petal. I cannot be your therapist anymore.”

“Why?” Hayden asked.

“Personal reason.”

“What personal reason?” Ivy said, pouting.

Fuck, I want to kiss that pout.

I raised my eyebrow at her. I couldn’t be her therapist anymore because we, or at least I, had feelings for her. Not to mention we engaged in a sexual relationship in my office. I couldn’t be her therapist anymore, even if I wanted to. It would be wrong.

“Do you really want me to say it out loud, Petal?” I asked with a small smirk.

“What is it?” her brother bit out.

“Your little sister and I—”

Ivy blurted out, “I had sex with Aiden.”

“I knew it!” Zara beamed, unaware of the tension hovering in the air.

Hayden and I looked at Ivy, her hands covering her mouth as she muttered a littleoopsie. I moved in time to avoid getting stabbed in the eye when Hayden threw a fork at my face.

“Are you trying to blind me, you dick!”

“You touched my little sister!” Hayden stood up and so did I, but I wasn’t fast enough to avoid his punch.

I staggered back, feeling the throbbing pain in my left cheek and jaw. I could hear Ivy yelling him to stop, scolding him for punching me.

I swear I heard Zara say, ‘Hayden looks hot’ and scooped some more lasagna on her plate.

“But you are my little sister!”

“That doesn’t mean you can order me with whom I decide to have sex with or not!”

“B-but… Aiden? Out of everyone you could have…Aiden!”

“This is for throwing a fucking fork at me,” I said and breathed out. He faced me, his face burning with anger. I didn’t give him time to use his block before punching him.

“Can you guys please stop fighting?” Ivy asked, glancing between her brother on the floor and me.

“He stared it,” I said, pointing at him.

“Because he had sex—”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake, grow up!” Ivy yelled at both of us, silence falling around us. I watched her breathing heavily, her eyes watering as she looked between us. Even Zara stopped eating and looked at all of us with her doe eyes.

“This is the reason I never confessed my feelings for Aiden. Because you always warned off every guy around me, especiallyhim,” she said to Hayden, her voice cracking.

Oh, God, no. I didn’t want to make her cry.