Page 51 of Rearranged

Chapter 17

“It’s so good to see you.” Yasmine tugged me into a quick embrace. Yasmine’s meetings had run over, and since it was after five, we’d decided to meet for happy hour instead.

“You look absolutely incredible,” I told her. “You’re literally radiating sunshine.”

“Do you think so?” She grinned as she sat back down. She’d been seated before I’d arrived. “I’ve honestly never been happier. Even though my life is a whirlpool with a constant eddy, I’ve never been more content. I feel like I’m finally on the path I’m supposed to be on, and it’s an incredible feeling.”

Our server came, and I gave her my drink order as well as an order for a basket of fries.

“That’s so wonderful and exciting.” I refrained from clapping a la Poppy, but I came close. “Tell me all about Matt and what’s going on. I can’t wait to hear all the juicy details.”

“Oh my goodness.” She took a sip of her mojito. “There’s a lot to catch you up on. Let’s see, Matt left the bodyguard job less than a week after you met him. He’d accepted a job with the Los Angeles Police Department in the forensics department about a month before that. It’s more of a paid internship, because he doesn’t have all the experience needed, but he’d taken additional courses while living in Santa Barbara, so he has the right schooling. He’s super excited, and it’s going well. He’s flown up here twice, once to help me get organized in my new apartment, and then again three days ago.” She leaned forward, lowering her voice. “We haven’t, you know, been together, together yet.” She stuck her tongue in her cheek and grinned. “But I think it will happen soon. We’re not in a committed relationship yet, per se, but the more we talk, the more we get resolved. We’ve had a lot of emotional baggage to cover, and those talks have been pretty intense.” She settled a hand over her heart. “But I’m certain, more so than ever, that reconnecting with this man was the right thing to do. He’s everything to me, and I’m so excited about our future. Every single day when I wake up, it’s like I’ve been given this second chance at love, and I’m so grateful.”

Our server brought over my gin and tonic and set down a basket of fries.

“I’m so incredibly happy for you. That’s beyond fantastic.” I squirted ketchup in the corner of the basket and dipped a fry. “You guys are totally meant to be. It’s a swoon-worthy love story. How did your parents take the news of your breakup with Marco? I’ve heard bits and pieces from Poppy, but you and I haven’t had a chance to chat about it.”

She popped a fry into her mouth. “Yum. These are so good. The bar food here is actually delicious.” She brought a napkin up to her lips and then set it in her lap. “My parents are doing fairly well. It was both harder than I thought it would be and easier at the same time. It was tough because their disappointment was palpable. They vacillated between being angry and sad, trying to find someone to blame. Then they launched into abject worry. When I told them I was talking to Matt again, they weren’t happy, but they didn’t object either. We’ve had several chats about it over the last month, and I think they’re finally coming around. They value my happiness, and I’m grateful for that. At the same time, they want to make sure I’m taken care of.” She’d placed air quotes around taken care of. “It’s such an old-school way to look at the world. I’m fully capable of taking care of myself. I have a degree, a great job. I make enough money to support myself, as well as send money home to them. But if I’m not connected to a worthy partner, none of that holds weight no matter how much I try to convince them otherwise.” She took another drink of her mojito. “But as time goes on, they’re beginning to see it my way. My mom actually asked me the other day what Matt’s family is like. That’s the first time she’s brought up a question about his upbringing. I’m taking that as a win.”

“That’s great,” I told her. “Have you…um…happened to have talked to Marco’s parents lately?”

She raised her eyebrows in question. “No. Marco and I decided to tell our parents separately. Aleah and Antonio have not reached out.” She picked up another fry. “I figure they will at some point. They’re still likely hurt that things didn’t work out between us. My parents haven’t reached out to Marco either. So, not incredibly strange, considering. I’m a little sad, because I adore Aleah and Antonio. Have you met them yet? They’re incredible people. Loving, sweet, generous. I could go on and on. They’re going to be amazing in-laws and even better grandparents. They are going to spoil your kids rotten.” She glanced at me, her mouth forming a small O. “I’m sorry. Do you want kids? That was a little insensitive of me. I should’ve asked first.”

“Yes, I want kids,” I replied. “Not insensitive at all. I can’t wait to be a mom. But I haven’t met Marco’s parents, and that’s part of why I wanted to get together with you. Not that I didn’t want to hear everything that’s going on with you, because I totally did. I’m extremely excited that everything is working out between you and Matt. But Marco’s been acting a little weird lately, and I was hoping you’d have some advice or possibly even some answers.”

“Weird how?”

“Actually…” It was hard to articulate what I meant without feeling a little foolish. “I think he might be keeping the truth from me or bending it a little bit. It took me a while to figure out that he hasn’t been speaking about his parents, and he hasn’t gone to see them lately. The night you guys decided to tell your respective parents, he told me that his took the news well. He seemed upbeat. He also said he told them he was dating me, which was a surprise. We’d talked ahead of time about him omitting that part to give them some room to get used to the idea that you guys were breaking up.” I picked up my gin and tonic. “Then, after that, he sort of refused to talk about it. I’ve been bringing it up more often on purpose, but he just dodges my questions. Last night, I told him we should invite them over for dinner, and he said that sounded like a good idea. I was relieved. But when we talked further, he told me that they were busy with friends and didn’t know when they’d be able to work it into their schedule.” I took a sip of my drink. I was full of restless energy. I set the glass down, folding my arms on the table. “Then he got a text from his cousin Sophia during dinner and pretty much ran out of the apartment to call her. When he came back, he said he had some work he had to finish and pulled out his laptop. I ended up heading back to my apartment, because I didn’t want to make everything into a huge deal. But something feels off, and I’m going to be so heartbroken if he’s lying to me.”

“Wow, that’s strange. That doesn’t sound like Marco at all. He’s honest to a fault. He’s the most trustworthy guy I’ve ever met. I can’t imagine him lying about something like this.”

“I know. That’s one of the reasons I care about him so much. He’s a heart-on-his-sleeve kind of guy. I adore his integrity. So, none of this is making sense, and I need it to make sense.”

“I don’t blame you.”

“After you guys each told your parents about the breakup, I know you chatted. Did he say anything then? Something about his parents being upset? I’m looking for anything to clear this up.”

Yasmine shook her head. “No, nothing in particular. It sounds like I got the same information you did. It was a pretty brief conversation. We were both incredibly relieved that it was over. We hugged and vowed to remain best friends for life. We laughed about the fact that we stayed together much too long, reminisced about the journey, and wished each other well. We haven’t seen each other much since, only texting here and there. We’ve both been busy with work and life. Now that you mention it, it’s a little weird that he didn’t talk to me more about their reaction.” She dipped a fry. “A few nights later, after our initial big talk, my parents video-chatted me, and I shared what they’d said with Marco as I was packing my things up in the apartment, just their concerns and their angst, but he didn’t offer anything up on his side.” Our server came back, and we ordered a few more nibbles. “I’ve been in my own head since then, so I haven’t been tuned in to what’s going on with him.”

“Do you think his parents may have disowned him for breaking the contract, or something like that?” I asked. “I know that’s jumping to a huge conclusion. But I feel like it has to be something big if he’s avoiding it so hard. He wouldn’t risk lying if it wasn’t something life-changing.” I had to believe that.

“I agree. It would have to be a pretty big deal for him to omit the truth, but I don’t see that happening. Marco is their only son, and they absolutely adore him. ‘Doting’ doesn’t even come close to describe it. They full-on slather him with love, painting it on with a thick brush. He could probably marry a mannequin, and they’d come around eventually. So, no, I don’t think they would disown him.”

“What else could it be? I’m genuinely perplexed. I even gave him an out last night, telling him that if he hadn’t actually told his parents we were dating, I was fine with it. His response was to get up and grab a beer, and then his phone beeped.” I ran a hand through my hair. It was hard not to feel flustered. “This entire thing is throwing me for a loop, and I know if I don’t deal with it soon, it’s going to affect our relationship negatively, and I don’t want that. We’ve been so happy together these past few weeks. But whatever this is, it’s proving to be a stalemate. The only thing left to do is confront him about it. But if I do, I feel like it could backfire, because there has to be a genuine reason for his refusal to talk, right? Something bigger than the two of us. So confronting him could trigger something we can’t take back.” I didn’t want to risk it without good reason.

“Before you speak to him, let me poke around and see what I can find. Our parents all know each other, so I can likely convince my mom to reach out, or possibly my grandmother. We’ll get to the bottom of it.” She swirled her straw. “This is very out of character for the Marco I know. But I’m sure there’s a logical reason why he’s avoiding your questions. I’d stake my life on it. He’s not an overly emotional guy, so he’s probably not reading into it like you are. He also loathes hurting someone’s feelings. So my guess is either he’s worried about his parents’ feelings or yours, or both, and he doesn’t want to upset anyone. He probably thinks he can handle whatever this is on his own or resolve it at a later date. Either way, we’ll get to the bottom of it.” She flashed me a genuine smile and patted my hand.

“Thank you so much for helping me. I appreciate it,” I told her, feeling immense relief. “I didn’t want to bother you with this. You’re sitting across from me radiating sunshine, and your life is on this brand-new sparkly path. Pulling you back into all this was not my intention. But you know Marco so well, better than anyone else. It’s comforting to me that you guys are still friends. I’m so glad your relationship remined intact.”

“I am, too. And it’s not a bother at all. I’m very invested in the two of you making it work. Nothing would make me happier than Marco getting his happy ending with such an amazing woman.”

I blushed. “That’s so nice of you to say. I don’t deserve that.”

“You totally do. You’re such a great match for him. You’re caring and generous, and you two share the same likes and hobbies. The Watering Can is going to be a smashing success. It all fits. I’m not sure I was a believer in fate before, but I’m edging that way. It helps that I was already a proponent of things happening for a reason. I was with Marco for a reason, you guys went into business together for a reason, we’re sitting across from one another for a reason.” She placed her hand over mine. “I’m sure it’s going to work out. I can feel it in my bones. Relationships are complicated, especially in the beginning when two people are getting familiar with each other. Marco doesn’t know what you can and can’t handle yet. I’d bet my skinny bank account that he’s terrified of upsetting you and of the possibility of losing you. He’s probably trying to protect you so you won’t get hurt.”

“Yeah, but hurt by what?” I asked. “That’s what’s scaring me. The only thing I can think of is that his parents are angry and are going to try to make him choose them or me. I couldn’t bear it if he no longer had a relationship with them. I’m distant from my own brother because we didn’t grow up in the same household. Communicating and keeping up with each other takes a lot of work. I’m barely in contact with my father. The way my parents chose to bring us up was a travesty. Marco has a wonderful, loving relationship with his parents. From my point of view, that’s a gift and a blessing. I couldn’t possibly stand in the way of that.”

“I don’t think you’ll have to. I really don’t. It has to be something else.”

“I hope you’re right,” I said. “I’m just really anxious to figure it out and move forward. It feels like there’s a logjam in the relationship suddenly. I know he feels it, too, but doesn’t want to address it. I’m trying to respect that, but as my anxiety increases, it’s getting harder and harder.”

“Marco is an amazing man. Don’t forget that. Whatever this is, there’s going to be a good explanation for it. And, honestly, if there’s not, he’s fooled both of us. And that’s not an easy task. We’re both smart, savvy, highly intuitive women. Marco Cruz is not a sociopath capable of hoodwinking us.” We giggled. Nothing could be further from the truth. “So rest easy, we’ll figure it out together. I’m here for you.”

I felt like reaching across the table to give her a hug. Instead, I raised my drink, and we clinked glasses. “You’re the absolute best.”