Page 46 of Rearranged

Chapter 15

Marco turned into the parking lot of the Bell Harbor Marina. I gaped as I took in the docks. “We’re going on a boat? You have a boat?”

“No, I don’t have a boat.” He chuckled. “I don’t think that’s a purchase I would ever splurge on. But the president of my company has one. He noticed how happy I was the other day and asked me about it.” He pulled into a parking spot and turned off the car. “I told him I met somebody special, and he offered me the use of his boat. We have to have it back to the marina by seven p.m., because it’s getting some scheduled maintenance done.” He grinned, looking adorable. “I enthusiastically took him up on his offer.”

“Wow. That was so nice of him.” I paused. “I’m assuming people at work didn’t know you were previously engaged?”

“No. A few of them met Yasmine over the past year and knew we were dating, but I’ve kept my personal life personal. Explaining my situation was not something I was interested in doing.” He grasped my hand. “But it seems people have noticed an uptick in my demeanor lately. And I’m glad they did, because I’m about to take you on a cruise around Elliott Bay.” He leaned over and kissed me.

His mouth was warm and comforting and yummy and perfect.

I couldn’t believe I got to kiss him whenever I wanted.

Happy, happy, joy, joy!

“Taking a special someone on a romantic boat ride,” he said, “is something I’ve always dreamed about doing.”

“I’m totally excited.” I’d been out on the bay a few times, once with all my friends when we’d rented a hot-tub boat. That’d been a night to remember. But my boat rides had been few and far between. “Do you know how to captain a boat?” I asked as we got out of the car.

“Rest assured, you’re safe with me.” He walked around to the trunk. “I’ve been out on this particular boat twice with my boss. I did a fair amount of driving during that time. Then he let me borrow it for my parents’ anniversary a couple years ago. When I was growing up, my aunts and uncles would visit from Spain, and we’d rent cabins at this resort a few hours away. I learned how to drive boats there. It was always the highlight of my summer, as my parents could never afford to send me away to summer camp or anything like that. The cabins were tiny and basically made of plywood.” He chuckled as he grabbed a large picnic basket out of the back. “But it was fun to run around with all my cousins. Being an only child can be lonely at times.”

He took my hand, guiding me out onto one of the piers. This man was utterly amazing. We stopped in front of a nice-sized boat, not too big, but not super small either. “This is Serendipitous. It’s a forty-two-foot Prestige,” Marco announced. “It’s a great boat, but not too in-your-face.”

Standing on the dock, I could tell it was nicely appointed in creamy off-white leather and a high-gloss wood finish. It was the nicest boat I’d seen up close. “It’s very stylish.”

“My boss grew up a little north of here on the water. He’s had a boat pretty much his entire life.” Marco helped me on board, handed me the picnic basket, and proceeded to untie everything.

Nervous excitement welled in my chest. Lending a boat was such a sweet thing to do. The fact that his boss had noticed that Marco was happy and had commented on it made me feel great.

It took a while, but Marco got everything figured out, turned on the engine, and steered us out of the marina. He looked incredibly handsome at the wheel. I snapped a few pictures on my phone.

Taking pictures of my boyfriend! La la la!

The captain’s seat, along with seating for six passengers, and a generous table were semienclosed in one area under a large sunroof. Tinted windows wrapped around us in an arc. The side windows slid open to give an obstructed view of the bay. It was a little breezy, as the back was completely open, but I was warm with all my layers.

The scenery was incredible.

We puttered around, chatting about life and the shop, our favorite current topic. At the rate we were going, we’d be opening the Watering Can in a few months, likely right after Zoe’s Lager opened. It was an exciting time.

“I’m going to stop here so we can enjoy the picnic.” Marco shut off the motor. It wasn’t very windy, which was nice. The sun was drifting lower in the sky, and its reflection in the downtown buildings was beautiful and so romantic. “Let me grab the basket.”

I’d offered to set everything up once we were on board, but Marco had refused. He leaned over to kiss me before saying, “I’ll be right back.”

He disappeared below and returned with a beautifully arrayed meat-and-cheese tray, a bottle of champagne, and two glasses. He set the food down, and I also saw slices of a fresh baguette and strawberries, as well as some spreads, complete with cute little knives. I was enjoying being spoiled. “Wow! This is fantastic. It looks extremely delicious.”

“I’m going to open this bottle outside. I don’t want to spill anything in here.” He stepped out the back, and I heard a loud pop. He came back, grinning. He poured some champagne into a glass and handed it to me. “This is the same brand we had that night at the Driftwood when I agreed to become your partner. That was truly the night that set this all into motion for us. You were so engaging, beautiful, confident, and such a pleasure to talk to. I left there a different person.”

“Summer picked up on our vibe,” I confessed. “That’s why she pulled me into the bathroom. She saw what we didn’t immediately see—or what we were denying to ourselves. I assured her I was in complete control and that our relationship would remain professional.” I took a sip of champagne. He must’ve put it in a freezer downstairs, because it was perfectly chilled. “Turns out I was a poor judge of my own character.”

“I’m eternally grateful you chose not to stay professional. And you’re not a poor judge at all. You followed my lead. Everything we did is because I initiated it, and all of us are in a better place because of it. It was the catalyst that propelled us to settle for nothing less than love. Yasmine and I are so much happier apart.” He poured himself a glass and raised it to mine. We clinked edges. “Here’s to our journey together.”

I took a long drink, then licked my lips.

My gaze landed on Marco. I knew it was heated and hungry.

He took my mouth in an aggressive kiss. I had to put down my glass so I could touch him with both hands. my absolute favorite thing to do. I couldn’t get enough.

We were lost to each other.