Page 86 of Alessandro DeLuca


“Say no more.”

I end the call and head back into the house.

“…we’ll be in touch,” I hear investigator Greco say as he and his partner shake hands with the attorneys before heading for the door.

My father and Antonio are standing at the door, seeing them off. I don’t see Marco, Massimo, or Niccoló.

My father has a few words with the attorneys before they, too, leave the residence.

Once the doors close, my brother and father turn around and see me standing near the rear door. They nod their head telling me to come with them into the den. When I return, I look around and see Niccoló and Massimo sitting on the couch with Marco in the middle. He seems to have aged twenty years since this morning.

They took Graziella’s body away hours ago. That broke him when they wheeled her out with the sheet covering her.

The den doors are closed and locked to prevent the prying ears of my brother's house staff from overhearing our discussion.

“We must find who did this before the police,” my father announces.

“Think it may have something to do with the Colombo family?” Antonio poses.

“I don’t know, but I’ve got a guy checking into it,” I say.

I keep my mouth shut about the investigation into Franco Greco. No one needs to know that he may be disposed of if he stumbles on the wrong information.

There isn’t anything that I won’t do to protect my family.

Including waste disposal.

We talk for a couple of more hours before I prepare to leave.

“Who’s staying?” I ask.

“I’m staying,” Massimo answers. “My men, too.”

“Who’s at your house?”

“Regular guards plus an additional ten.”

Massimo has a live-in girlfriend, and they have a daughter together. I look to Antonio.

“Same here, and Giulia’s at the palace,” he says, referencing our parents’ home.

Niccoló still lives with our parents.

“I’m heading back home.”

“Why isn’t Mila at the palace with the children?” my father asks.

“I haven’t told her anything.”

“Ales,” my father warns.

“I’ll let her know. She didn’t need to worry about anything while I was away.”

“She should be at the house with Angela and Giulia.”

“Papà, she’s fine. Bones is there with her and our team of security. Bones texted me that Sabrina’s with him now, too.”