Page 72 of Alessandro DeLuca

“So, I don’t have to do all those things?”

“Yes, you still have to do all those things,” Mila teases her.

“But at least you’re getting a brother out of the deal,” I remind her.

Bianca places her hand there and looks up at her mother in awe before letting loose her feelings.

“Yessss!” Bianca squeals, letting our hands go as she runs off towards a group of her friends.

My parents approach Mila and me.

“You must have just shared the good news about our little grandson,” my mother says, kissing me first and then Mila.

“Yes, we did. Seems like she’s more excited about that than she was about the wedding,” Mila says.

“You’ve both given us nothing but good things to be excited about lately,” my father says.

I release Mila’s hands. “Thanks, sir.”

He gives me a brief nod, letting me know that he needs to speak with me. I kiss Mila’s lips before stepping away with my father.

“Alessandro, I have not been an easy man to please. I have often been difficult, stubborn, and hard-hearted. But it is necessary for a man of my stature, especially when I’m raising the future of the DeLuca family.”

“I understand, sir.”

“But I have always been proud of you. Even when you thought you disappointed me, you have always been a man I admire. Today, you’ve made me especially proud…enlarging the family as you have. I couldn’t have chosen a better woman to run your empire.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“I want you to know that a meeting has been held.”

My attention goes on alert.

“There’s been a vote. I just want you to know that you’ll be moving from a capo to the underboss of the west coast of Italy.”

I bow my head in respect of the decision that’s been made. My territory and responsibility are enlarging. I look at my wife and my daughter. Now that I have more to protect, it’s time to make decisions.

“Sir, I have to decline the request with all due respect.”

My father sharply angles his head, turning my way. “You don’t have a choice.”

Looking again at my wife and daughter, I say to my father, “They are my choice. Antonio would be a better man for the job.”

“The family will not feel that way.”

“You can make them see things your way, sir. Your opinion is respected and valued.”

“And you don’t value and respect it?”

“I do, sir. But I love them more.”

My father inhales deeply, puffs on his cigar, and squeezes my shoulder.

“Again, Alessandro. You have made me proud.”

I watch as my father walks off to join my mother, their heads bowed as they discuss this latest development. A smile graces my lips as my new wife returns to my side.

“Is everything okay?” Bianca asks.

Nodding, I say, “It is.”

“Is he upset with you?”

Shrugging, I say, “I doubt it. But it doesn’t matter. I’ll choose you every time.”

Smiling, Mila throws her arms around me, kissing me. And this lets me know that I made the right choice.