If I had been more aggressive, I would have kissed Hope last night, and I had wanted to, so very much. I had wanted to kiss the woman since the moment I met her, but I didn’t want our first kiss to be when we were on a date to help my family out. When we kissed it would be because we had been on a date, an actual date, one that we both wanted to go on, and not because she felt some obligation to me.

I knew until that obligation was done there was no way that she and I could move forward. I needed to get the whole situation with JD and Lizbeth out of the press. I wanted to believe I had started to do that the night before but until it was completely done or at least the press had moved on, Hope and I couldn’t take the next step in our relationship.

With a new goal in mind, one that would get me closer to Hope, I bounded out of bed and made a few phone calls ending with calling my middle brother.

“These early morning calls are getting old. I love talking to you, big brother, but can you call back in five minutes after I have had at least one sip of coffee?” he asked.

“No. You’ll just fall back to sleep and we’ll be right back where we started. You can get your ass up and get the coffee going or you can just answer a few questions and then go back to sleep.”

“What are the questions?” he asked.

He perked up a little bit at my negotiations. The minute he had his coffee he wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep and I could hear in his voice he wanted to. I worried that he might be working too hard and was doing too much.

“Late night? Are things going okay at the restaurant?”

“Is that what you called me to ask before the sun is even up?”

“The sun is up, you just aren’t. And no, I’m just worried about you. I want to make sure you aren’t burning the candle at both ends.”

“I’ve always burnt the candle at both ends. Now I’m just doing it for my restaurant and not juggling women. I’m fine. Tried, but fine. What did you want to ask me?”

“What have you heard from Lizbeth?” I asked.

“Nothing. Beautiful, perfect, glorious silence,” he said.

“That was what I was seeing too but I wanted to be sure. Anything on social media about you two? Any mention about you two getting back together or anything else I need to worry about? Any thoughts about you two getting back together?”

“No. I told you I’m done with her and I mean it. I think Rosie said something about seeing a post about Lizbeth dating someone else. Thank goodness.”

“Are you sure it isn’t a revenge date hoping to get you back?”

“If it is, it isn’t going to work. I hope the guy or girl is hot and they find eternal happiness together and she leaves me alone. Rosie is the one you should be talking to, she’s handling that for me and I thought you were too. Was there anything else? Can I go back to sleep?”

“I talked to Rosie already, and I have been taking care of it, but I wanted to check with you. Go back to sleep, that helps clear and open things up for me.”

“Ah, you mean with Hope. Here I thought this was a call of brotherly concern.”

“It was, it is. I don’t like Lizbeth interfering with her life, but if you think she’s moved on that’s a good thing for everyone.”

“Including you. I see you had a hot date last night. Are you hoping to have another one?” JD asked.

“Yes,” I stated simply.

“I bet you do. Dang, you two are trending. Though from the looks of the picture I can see why. Damn, Bro, the look you’re giving Hope could set a phone on fire. You two even have a nickname already, and not a bad one. Mope.”

“Mope? You think Mope is a good nickname?”

“It could be worse. It could be Moe and you sound like an eighty-year-old guy on his last leg, or McHope which just butchers your name that you’re so fond of, or MaHo, though that one I kind of like. Or how about Homa, though not even sure what that is, just to name a few.”

“Thanks. I think.”

“This is a good thing. You of all people should know that you two having a nickname less than ten hours after you two went out is a very good sign for all of us. One, I can finally breathe easier knowing that Lizbeth and I are out of the news and she will stop trying to get mine or the media's attention. And two, it means you can move on with your diabolic plan.”

“There is nothing diabolical about my plan.”

“Ah, yet you admit there is a plan. I love it!”

“Didn’t you want to go back to sleep? I really should let you. I’ll see you Sunday,” I said.