I tried to keep the apprehension out of my voice, but it was hard. If he had been calling to chat, to tell me he had a good time, he wouldn’t need to get back to the conversation. It didn’t make me feel any better about where the conversation would go.

“I wanted to tell you how great you are, have been with everything. I did some digging and even talked to JD, and he and I both agree that the storm has passed, so to speak. I don’t think I’ve ever had a public relations campaign go as well as the one you and I did, but it has. I wanted to let you know that there will no longer be a need for us to go out to help JD.”

“Oh, okay,” I said.

I leaned back onto the couch and closed my eyes. This was what I had been dreading, the man had only been going out with me to help his brother. We had given a spectacular show to convince people we were in love. We were the bright shining thing that distracted everyone from JD and his exploding love life. Now that we had done that, we could fade into the background and no one would be the wiser.

“It was because you were so convincing with everything, and everyone loves a good love story. It was why it worked so well,” I added.

“Among other things. I wanted you to know that I, my family, will be forever in your debt for what you did, but we don’t need to do it anymore. Does that make sense?” he asked.

“Yes. I get it.”

There was no way I could hide my annoyance at how he was talking to me. It felt as if he thought I was a child that needed to be talked to carefully and slowly. As if I couldn’t get the most basic concept that the man was not interested in me. I understood he had only gone out with me as an obligation, and he was trying to find the quickest and easiest way to get out of it.

“Good,” he said with a sigh.

I wanted to yell at him, to tell him he was being rude and insensitive, but he wasn’t, not really. If this was a business transaction, and that was all that he saw it as, then he would treat me and the situation as such. Just because I got my emotions involved, just because I wanted it to be something more, didn’t mean that he did.

“Mac, it’s been great talking to you, and I’m glad that everything has worked out, but I should get going.”

The sooner I got off the phone with him the better off I would be. I could feel myself about to cry and I didn’t want to do that when I was on the phone with him.

“Yes, sure. I’ll let you go. But before you do, can you do me one favor?” Mac asked.

I wanted to tell him no, but I couldn’t, I would never deny him anything. Instead, I let out a sigh that hopefully conveyed my frustration at him.


“Can you open up your door?”

I stood up and stared at my door as if I could see who was on the other side or why he was asking.

“My door?”

“Yes. Could you please open up your door?”

I assumed he had bought me a thank you gift of some sort which was sweet, but I had no idea how I would handle receiving it with him on the other end of the line. Still, I said I would do it and I was in it now.

“What is it?”

“Me,” he said as I opened the door.

My mouth fell open as I saw Mac standing in my doorway. His phone was next to his ear but when he saw me, he ended the call and put his phone in his pocket. I was so shocked to see him that it took me a second to do the same.

“What are you doing here?” I don’t know why, but I knew he wasn’t there just to tell me we were through.

“I needed to see you,” he said.

“Why didn’t you tell me everything in person?”

“Can I come in?” he asked.

“Yeah, sure. Sorry.”

I stepped aside so that he could come in. He had been in my apartment before, but for some reason this time it felt like he took up the whole room. He didn’t invade my space, nor did he crowd me, but I felt him almost surrounding me.

“What’s going on Mac? Why did you need to call me and then see me?”