“I’ll call him later. We didn’t get home until late and I’m sure he isn’t moving that fast today. I don’t want to bother him.”

“Something tells me you wouldn’t be bothering him and that if you don’t call him, you’ll hear from him by the end of the day.”

“I doubt that.”

“What did you just say about me? Wasn’t it how I was always right?”

“I never said anything about always, just that you were right that Mac might have feelings for me.”

“If I’m right about that, then I’m right about this too. You’ll see. Call me later to tell me how right I was. I need to get back to work but do call me later or if you need anything.”

“Shoot. I didn’t realize how late it was. I’m sorry. Go. I’ll talk to you later. Thanks for everything.”

“That’s what sisters are for,” Faith said and ended the call.

I put my phone down on the coffee table, then leaned back onto the couch and thought about what Faith had said. She did make me feel better, but I was nowhere close to figuring out what I was going to do about Mac.

Chapter 15


“Did that really just happen? Am I really here?” Hope asked.

I leaned over and kissed her mouth softly and quickly before lying back next to her on the bed. I didn’t answer her but took a moment to just look at the beauty and wonder that was Hope Sinclair lying naked in my bed.

It was like she had read my mind, for as I looked at her, completely relaxed and like a woman who had been thoroughly satisfied, all I could think was I couldn’t believe that it had finally happened.

“I hope so. I’m going to be really annoyed if this is a dream,” I said.

“No, this is no dream,” she said, moving over so she could snuggle next to me.

I opened up my arms and wrapped them around her, pulling her close to me. Her soft honeysuckle scent filled my nostrils. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment of having her in my arms. These were the moments I would savor. These were the moments I wasn’t going to take for granted. It had taken me so long to have her in my arms, now that she was there, I wouldn’t let her go.

“Can we just stay here like this forever?” I asked.

Hope tilted her head and looked up at me with a huge smile on her face.

“We could. I’m open to the idea, but there are many other things that I would like to do with you in this bed than just lie here.”

“Oh really? Care to share them with me?”

“Eventually,” she said and put her head back on my shoulder.

“Eventually?” I asked and sat up to look at her.

“I figure I have a few years, say like twenty to thirty to tell you all my secrets.”

“Only twenty or thirty?” I asked as I laid back down with her. “I was thinking more along the lines of fifty to sixty.”

“I think that can be arranged,” she said.

“Hope, I-”

The sentence was left unsaid as my alarm went off and I woke up with a start. I yelled at it to stop. As the silence filled my room, I was left with nothing but my own thoughts and the remnants of a dream that I longed to make a reality.

I rolled onto my side and looked out my window. I liked to keep the shades up even when I slept as I found the sound and even the lights for the city comforting. I liked waking up to see the city already moving and it helped to motivate me to get going, though I was a little less enthusiastic about doing it that morning.

The dream had been so vivid I had expected to see Hope lying next to me. The fact that she wasn’t put me in a foul mood, something I never liked to start my day with. I had no one else to blame but myself.