He scowled. “You do get into an awful lot of trouble when I’m away.”

She snorted. “I think you have that backwards.” She paused. “Are you safe now? Truly safe?”

He nodded. “I’m not sure when I’ll feel safe but yes. The evidence against Fairweather is iron clad.”



“How was London? I hear you are feted wherever you go.”

“Yes,” he said. “It’s annoying.”

“You brought a traitor to justice, at great personal cost. You should let yourself be adored a little. You deserve it.”

“Speaking of which. I thought I told you not to get involved.”

She sat back in her chair. “When have I ever taken orders from you?”

He grunted. “True enough.”

She touched his hand. “It is so good to see you, Henry.”

“You saved my life.”

She shrugged one shoulder. “I only did what any friend would do.”

“No, Percy,” he said, seriously. “You are a marvel.”

“Oh stop,” she blushed. “If you keep flattering me, I really will think you’re ill.”

They went outside to lay on the flagstones, still warm from the sun, as was their custom. The moon rose in a bed of stars. Henry loved stars as much as Persephone loved Egypt. He turned his head slightly. “You won’t ask about him?”

“Who?” He raised his eyebrows. She wrinkled her nose. “Oh, very well. How is Conall?”

“Conall, is it?”

She poked him in the side. “Don’t tease. Is he…well?” Has his head healed cleanly? Has he asked about me? Does he miss me? Is all of London worshiping him?

“He’s fine,” Henry replied. “He barely sleeps, he’s either at the War Office or the House of Lords. I can’t think of the last time an earl was ever accused of treason. It’s a complicated business.”

“I’m so glad your part’s done.”

“I expect I’ll be needed again but they agreed to send for me here instead of having me wait in London.”


They watched the stars come out, serenaded by industrious crickets and grasshoppers. “If you could hear the way he talks about you,” Henry said quietly.

Pleasure stole through her before she could convince herself not to feel it. “Really?”

“Yes. And I can see by that blush that you feel the same about him. So, what’s the trouble?”

“I can’t be a marchioness.”

“Why not, you goose?”

“Henry. Despite recent events, society and reality has not changed that much.”