He responded by kissing her. ‘Twas a deep, slow kiss, exactly the kind she needed. It reminded her they were both still alive and had vowed to be together, somehow, someway.

When he finally pulled back, she was glad he had a hold on her hips, because she likely would’ve fallen flat on her face otherwise.

“There,” he murmured, his gaze settling on her lips. “Now ye look as if ye truly belong to me. Let us go meet our future, eh?”

This walk through the encamped clans seemed to take much longer. Robena wasn’t certain if ‘twas because she knew what awaited them, or if Kester really was walking slower. It did seem as if he was constantly stopping to accept greetings this time, and each time he was shown respect and admiration from Highland lairds, her heart swelled a little.

By the time they made their way up the hill to the Murray camp, it seemed as if half the Highlands was trailing behind them, eager to see how this little drama would play out. Apparently, the story of Kester saving Laird Murray’s daughter—after refusing to marry her—had swept through the Games.

Gossip was apparently far more interesting than the piping competitions, which were supposed to start at sundown, within the hour. She tucked her pipes under her arm, their familiar weight helping to ground her, remind her that everything would work out fine.


Laird Murray wasn’t waiting for them this time, but he emerged from the large tent before Kester had to call for him. He looked…smaller, somehow. Mayhap worry for his daughter had diminished him, and Robena found herself liking him all the more for that.

He nodded curtly, awkwardly, to Kester, before turning to Robena. He gave her a long stare, his gaze lingering on the hem of her gown and the pipes under her arm. Finally, Kester cleared his throat and the older man’s head jerked, like a dog called to a whistle.

Mayhap Murray realized this because he scowled as he offered her a curt nod as well.

“This is Robena Oliphant,” Kester announced, his fingers lacing through hers. No more, just her name. Mayhap he felt the gesture said enough.

When Murray’s gaze dropped to their locked hands and he flushed again, Robena suspected it had.

That was the fortuitous moment for Lady Elspeth, she of the young and silly decisions, to step out of the tent. She wore a dry gown—blue this time—and was busy braiding her own hair. She marched up to her father and tilted her head back to glare up at him.

“Da, for the last time, I dinnae want to marry MacBain!”

Robena hid her smile, for the first time feeling sorry for Murray, who had to parent such a daughter.

Still, Murray growled, “Ye’ll do what I say!”

St. Kelsi help us, we’re back to this?

Elspeth stomped her foot as she finished off the braid. “I willnae marry MacBain!”

Robena spoke up. “Ye cannae marry MacBain.”

As the girl turned, a thankful smile on her face, her father frowned. “She cannae?”

“She cannae,” agreed Kester, obviously hiding his amusement.

Robena shrugged and held up their joined hands. “Sorry, Lady Elspeth. Ye cannae marry Kester MacBain, because I’m marrying him.”

Kester nodded and hauled her closer. “She is. She’s verra determined.”

A smile bloomed across Elspeth’s face as Laird Murray shook his head. “Ye…ye’re marrying my enemy? But ye saved my daughter, Robena.”

“Lady Robena,” Kester corrected smugly. “One of the Oliphant’s daughters. Soon to be Lady MacBain, nae matter what ye have to say about it.”

Murray ignored him and lowered his hand to his daughter’s shoulder. Stiffly, he bowed to Robena. “Milady, we—myself, my daughter, my clan—are in yer debt. Thanks to yer brave actions, my Elspeth lives.”

And her eyes widened in horror as she realized what he was saying.

She didn’t want him beholden to her. Quickly, she whirled and shoved her pipes toward Pudge, who took them without hesitation. Then she took a deep breath and raised her free finger. She made her tone harsh when she pinned Murray with a glare.

“’Twas phenomenally stupid of Elspeth to go over the side of that cliff. However, ‘twas even stupider for me to go after her.” As the older man blinked at her, she shook her head. “I cannae swim. I grabbed her, aye, but if Kester hadn’t come for both of us, we’d both be drowned.”

She turned her attention to Kester, only to find him smiling down at her. Still speaking to Murray, she softened her tone a bit. “Ye owe Laird MacBain yer thanks, no’ me.”