She pressed back again, trying to give him more room to slide further into her, but he refrained. “Kester,” she whimpered, finally breaking her vow. “Please.”

He hummed, his mouth near enough to her ear she could feel his breath. “Lass, ye were half-dead from cold a few hours ago.”

“I’m hot now.” ‘Twas stupid, but her brain couldn’t come up with anything better to announce. “So hot.”

His chuckle was dry. “Aye,” he agreed, languidly dragging his finger through her slit once more, even as he flexed his hips. “Ye are.”

She’d gasped at his movement, deciding she liked his cock sliding across her core even better than his fingers. “Do that again!”

“What, this?” He chuckled again as he flexed, pressing his cock forward briefly.

The motion was delightfully maddening; the tip of his cock brushed against her clitoris before withdrawing.

Deciding to take matters into her own hands, Robena tightened her hold on his hip, fingers digging into his skin, and flexed her own hips. With him remaining still, she was able to slide herself along his cock and choose the best angle, as well.

She was riding him while lying on her side.

Each buck of her hips drew him closer and drew her closer to her pleasure. She bit her bottom lip, trying to contain the sounds of pleasure sure to be wrung from her.

He was breathing hard, and unless she was mistaken, he seemed to be having trouble containing—

“Lass,” he rasped. “Ye’re killing me.”

Pleasure built inside her, but also frustration. This felt divine, but not quite what she needed. “Show me!” Her gasp was half a moan. “Please, Kester!”

His groan of surrender matched hers, and then his arm was beneath her, lifting her.

Not far, though; she found herself in the same position, lying with her back to his chest, her head resting on his shoulder. Only now his hard thighs rested between hers—her own thighs spread over them, spreading her to his touch.

And he touched her—aye, he touched her. With both hands available now, one of them cupped her breast, rolling the nipple, while the other delved into her curls.

And his cock slid along her wet core.

Unable to help herself, she reached between her legs and pressed her fingertips against the hardness bringing her such pleasure, squeezing it closer to her. It still wasn’t close enough, no matter how hard he thrust.

She needed him inside her.

With a burst of strength, she sat straight upward, wrenching a gasp from him. The motion cradled his cock between her thighs, and she reached for his legs. All she’d have to do was slide him inside of her….

Would that work?

“Can we have sex like this?”

His hands were on her hips and he made a noise halfway between a laugh and a groan. “Ye’re a virgin, lass.”

She twisted so she could frown over her shoulder at him. “What does that have aught to do with the question?”

“Yer first time should be…special.” His voice sounded hoarse, but in the dim light, ‘twas hard to see his expression.

She was feeling strangely irritated now, and she wasn’t certain if ‘twas because her orgasm had been delayed, or because he wasn’t wholeheartedly taking her virginity. Robena huffed as she threw her leg over one of his hips.

He tried to help her slide off him, but that wasn’t what she wanted. Instead, she twisted around until she was facing him fully, then lifted one of her legs back over him.

Now she straddled his hips once more, but facing him.

“I ken we can have sex like this.” She’d seen the illustrations in Wynda’s book.

His hands had landed on her hips once more and now slid up her sides. “Are ye certain, lass?” He sounded strained.