“Do ye ken how to dance horizontally?” she managed, trying to keep her pelvis from grinding against that delicious strength.

He chuckled again. “I can see ye still have plenty to learn. Luckily, I’m a patient teacher.”

“I’ll have ye ken I’ve read Wynda’s manuscript twice! I saw naught about horizontal dancing, although I do want to try The King’s Gambit and The Swooping Hawk.”

“Lass, The Clinging Vine just about killed me.”

She chuckled, her fingers finding his belt. “I ken, but now we’re married. We need more practice.”

As she tugged him toward the small staircase which led down to the kitchens, to the sickroom, and to their new chambers, he was laughing.

* * *

Brodie’s shirtfell off as soon as they tumbled into their chamber, and his kilt followed. Unashamed of his nakedness, he sat in the only chair to begin untying his boots, as she went to work on her own gown. It was a lovely blue silk, something Robena had found for her, and Fen had decided she’d be keeping it.

It wouldn’t work in the kitchen, but it was too special to give up.

After stepping out of it, she reverently hung it from a hook on the wall and turned to see Brodie unclasping his brace. He glanced up to see her watching him and a slow smile pulled one side of his lips up.

“Ye really are beautiful. I dinnae tell ye enough.”

A little self-conscious, Fen tucked a curl behind her ear and shrugged. “I dinnae need compliments on my appearance.”

“Just yer apple tarts, eh?”

When she crossed her arms, her breasts were pushed upward, and his eyes followed them. Since he was sitting there naked, she could see exactly what the sight did to him.

He pushed himself to his feet, using the back of the chair to keep his weight off his left leg. His cock jutted out proudly from its nest of wiry black curls; the tip already shiny and swollen.

“Come here, love,” he commanded gruffly, and she gladly obeyed.

When she reached him, he didn’t wrap her in his arms, or even kiss her. Instead, he lifted her breasts, one in each hand, and bent to reverently kiss each one.

“Ye have gorgeous tits too. I should tell ye that more often as well.”

Giggling, she reached for his cock. “Ye really should,” she commanded as her fingers encircled him. “They need more love.”

His eyes fluttered closed on a sigh as she began to stroke him. “Hmm. I fooking love yer tits,” he repeated, his thumbs brushing over her nipples.

“Ye said that already.”

“It needed repeating, lass.”

Truthfully, she loved the way he worshiped her body. It made her feel…powerful, the way she’d felt with his cock in her mouth. The last sennight in his arms, in their bed, had wiped away all memory of Gordon’s cruel touch and made her shiver with excitement.

Suddenly, he dropped his hand to her arse. “Get into bed, wife,” he growled, swatting her gently. “I’ve decided ‘tis time to show yer tits exactly how loved they really are.”

They tumbled into bed together, and his lips unerringly found her nipple. When he pulled it into his mouth, she sucked in a happy gasp.

“Brodie, aye!” In order to show her appreciation, she reached for his cock once more, stroking it the way he’d showed her the other night, and was rewarded by his groan of need. His teeth grazed her nipple, and she moaned as she arched her back.

His fingers found her core, already dripping, and didn’t hesitate to delve deep.

“Aye,” she sighed again, her knees falling open to allow him better access. He wasn’t particularly gentle when he was aroused, and she’d been surprised to discover how much she liked that about his particular brand of love-making. He sucked hard at her nipple as a third finger joined the first two, and she was panting with need.

But this wouldn’t do, not at all. From this angle, she didn’t have the leverage she needed.

So with a gasp, she pushed herself up against him. He didn’t resist, but his lips moved along her skin as she sat upright. Then he groaned as she shoved at his shoulder, forcing him to roll onto his back.