“Aye,” he growled, his eyes cutting quickly to Fenella and back again. “For the pain.”

Luckily, the healer seemed to understand his desire to get Fenella away from all the attention. Her eyes narrowed as she hummed speculatively. “Ye’re in pain?”

“Tremendous,” he deadpanned. “Uurgh.”

Nichola nodded. “Well, Fen kens where my— What was it? Tinctures? Aye, she kens how to administer tinctures.”

She held his gaze a moment longer, and Brodie inclined his head in thanks. He saw her smiling, but she hid it as her mother turned to ask her a question, and Nichola answered with much hand-waving, which drew everyone’s attention.

It was the opening he’d been waiting for.

“Come,” he muttered, sliding his arm around Fenella’s waist and leading her toward the back stairs.

As she stumbled along beside him, he wondered if anyone at the table would remember she was supposed to be helping him. But right now, he wasn’t certain if she remembered where they were supposed to be going.

Damnation, only a few moments ago, she’d been teasing him with that spark of heat in her gaze. And now look at her; she was lurching along much like one half-dead.

He had to find a way to bring back that green-eyed commander he’d so admired.

As they began to shuffle their way awkwardly down the steps, Brodie felt the tightness in his chest ease. He knew exactly what he had to do.

Fenella was in command of her kitchens, eh? Well, there was one thing which never failed to rile her, and he was going to use it.