“I love ye,” he repeated, this kiss soft and gentle.

She sighed as he pulled back, feeling entirely lose but somehow anticipatory. “And I love ye. Thank ye for helping me with my manuscript.”

His grin was infectious. “I promised,” he declared solemnly. “I dinnae ken how creative I can be, but I can follow instructions.”

It was the wicked gleam in his eye, more than anything else, which set her heart pounding. “Och, really?” She tried for an innocent tone. “And what kind of instructions might that be?”

“I thought next we might try page seventeen.”

Her breath caught, her illustration popping into her mind. “Do ye think ye have the strength for it?”

“If ye hold on to the rafter and try no’ to scream too loudly, I think I might be able to manage.”

She was smiling as she pulled him down atop her, and when his lips claimed hers, so was he.

Aye, love was curious and strange, and she looked forward to a lifetime of investigating its wonders!