Chapter 11

The soundsof the clan’s celebration faded as Pherson pulled the door shut behind them. After the dancing died down—of course, as the bride and groom, and the reason for the celebration, they’d had to stay long enough to satisfy her mother—Wynda had whispered in his ear she wanted him alone.

In her chamber.

Grinning, he crept up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. “I like this idea of yers, love, but I thought ye wanted to spend our wedding night in our home?”

As he pressed a kiss to the back of her neck above the green silk of her gown, she hummed languidly.

“I hadnae planned on that, husband, but if ‘tis why ye agreed…”

She was giggling as she squirmed around in his hold.

He hummed again and pressed a kiss to her shoulder, then her neck. “What were ye thinking, then, when ye said ye wanted me alone, upstairs?”

With her head tilted to one side to give him access to that spot below her ear which he knew could drive her wild, Wynda sighed. “I just meant…oh.”


She seemed to pull herself together. “I wanted to ensure the chamber was ready for Wren.” Straightening, she nodded toward the bed, even as she rested her arm around his neck. “Ye dinnae think she’ll mind spending the night here with Robena? Will she be scared? Will she miss us?”

He had to smile. But then, he’d been doing that often since this woman had come into his life.

The last few weeks, as they’d waited for his arm to heal, had been revolutionary. Wynda had spent as many hours as possible with him and his daughter, even once he’d been able to care for himself. He and Wren had taken meals with her family in the great hall, and he’d learned all about Wynda’s many inventions.

And he’d taught her things, as well. She’d wanted to learn all about hawking, although she lacked the patience and stillness necessary to be a master—he blamed her overactive mind, and Wren teased her about it as Wynda showed the lassie how to read.

Pherson also learned all about the secret passageways which combed Oliphant Castle. At night, after Wren was asleep, he’d use them to reach Wynda, or vice versa. They’d been careful because of his arm…but now he was fully healed, he had every intention of practicing pages four through seventy-six with her.

Mayhap no’ all at once.

He’d enjoyed listening to her read from her manuscript—liked the way she blushed as she got to the interesting bits, and moaned when he used his fingers on her—and fully intended to spend the rest of his days fulfilling her vow to the Gray Lady.

“Pherson?” she prompted.

“She’ll be fine, love,” he murmured, his lips on her temple, loving her scent. “She told me she’s excited to spend the night with Auntie Robbie, and promises no’ to go along with any schemes yer sister comes up with.”

“Aye, I told her that.” Wynda still looked concerned. “I just…a lassie should be with—with her parents.”

Grinning, he straightened. “One night, wife. I get one night to do whatever I want to ye. Tomorrow, she’ll likely insist on staying up late and bouncing on the new cot I made for her.”

“Hmm. True.” She pressed herself closer. “But the night after that, I’m putting her to bed early so ye can really tire me out.”

He grinned, his cock already swollen at the thought. He knew his new wife wanted to be here to say goodnight to his—their daughter, but after Robena arrived with Wren, he planned on sneaking Wynda through the passages, past the wedding celebration downstairs, and back to their home to—

Wynda screamed.

The old fear, the one he’d lived with for so long, surfaced. His hands dropping to his blades, Pherson whirled about, searching for the threat. When he didn’t immediately see a concern, he glanced at his wife.

Who was standing with her hands on her hips, glaring her own daggers at an empty spot before the bed curtains.

“I told ye no’ to do that!”

He opened his mouth to object, then slowly closed it when it became clear she wasn’t speaking to him.

“What do ye mean, what do I mean? The sneaking up on me—on us—like that!” She stomped her foot, her glare fierce. “I’ve explained the concept of privacy, have I no’?”

Let’s be logical here.