Luckily, she was holding a mirror. When she turned it about so she could see her reflection, she saw it was worse than expected; the green paint dripped from her hair and was splattered around her forehead and cheeks.

But, never let it be said she couldn’t take what she gave. Leanna enjoyed a good shenanigan, no matter who perpetrated it, so she gave a sudden gasp.

“What?” Fen took a jerky step toward her. “Are ye aright?”

“This is perfect.” Pasting a smile on her face, Leanna lowered the mirror slightly. “ ‘Tis exactly how Mother will think she looks. And now I dinnae need one of yer brushes, Nicola!”

As her sister sputtered in confusion, Leanna used one of her thumbs to wipe the paint from her temple. She planted a thick green thumbprint in the middle of the looking glass, then continued with her spot-creation.

Coira began to chuckle, and soon, Wynda joined in.

With a sigh, Nicola shook her head. “Leave it to our youngest to turn a disaster into an advantage.”

“Ye’re going to have to take a bath, Leanna,” Fen cautioned.

“Nay,” Leanna countered flippantly. “Everyone kens people these days dinnae bathe.”

“These days?” Wynda repeated. “What are ye talking about?”

“These days,” Leanna clarified. “Now. Everyone kens we dinnae bathe. ‘Tis why perfumes were invented. And underwear. Because they think we dinnae bathe.”

“What?” Wynda huffed. “We are people these days. And we do bathe.”

Nicola was shaking her head. “No’ if ye dinnae want Mother asking questions. She’s bound to notice the water being heated.”

But Leanna, who finished her last thumbprint with a pleased grin, just shook her head. “ ‘Tis summertime. I’ve nae need of hot water. Let me set this someplace to dry, then I’ll go to the waterfall glen.”

Coira nodded. “Aye, likely the best option.”

“I’ll sneak ye out through the kitchens,” Fen offered.

Robena grabbed the last tart. “I’ll help. After all, that’s what family is for.”

Smiling, Leanna carefully placed the looking glass near the window to dry as Nicola stooped to clean the thrown cup. Coira stomped out the door again, muttering about mischief and paint, while Wynda settled back down at her desk and picked up her stylus once more.

Aye, her life might’ve gotten a lot less exciting since Da had curtailed her adventures, determined to turn her into a proper young lady, but Leanna decided she didn’t really have it all that bad. There were still opportunities for mischief, and sneaking out in the middle of the day to bathe naked at the waterfall was one of them.

And she had her sisters to help.

That’s what family is for.