Coital positions?What a clever way of phrasing it.

Pretending to be offended, Leanna lifted her chin in a haughty air. “That, sir, is a fallacy.” Her hand drifted lower beneath the blankets.

“A fallacy?” he hummed.

“Well…” Her hand closed around his now-flaccid cock. “A phallus-y, at least.”

The groan he released might’ve been in response to her joke, or it might’ve been because she could feel him hardening beneath her touch.

“Will ye tell me how ye learned so many positions, lass?” he gasped.

Feeling cheeky, Leanna hummed. “Nay, I think no’. Ye’ll just have to appreciate my education.”

Oh aye, his cock was growing.

He shifted position against the pillows, as if allowing her the time and space to explore.

“Well then, I’ll have to write to McClure Keep and tell them to ensure I have an ample supply of tables and chairs and benches in my—our—chamber.” He gasped in response as she cupped his bollocks. “For experimentation of course.”

“Of course,” she murmured in agreement. “But I’m surprised ye have no’ already sent off such a missive. I ken ye’ve been busy sending and receiving messengers these last weeks.”

Not that she minded; it had been a joy having him at Oliphant Castle.

Taking pity on him, Leanna moved her touch away from his sensitive areas and began skimming her palm across his taut belly, then up to his chest once more.

Were his nipples as sensitive as hers were? If she licked them, would he feel the same pull she had?

“Most of those messengers were from court, lass.”

She pushed herself upright. “Really? From the King?”

“Aye, and other Hunters. They needed to ken that McIlvain is no’ here at Oliphant Castle and never was. His warning will be taken into account however, by whomever is assigned this hunt.”

“His warning being Beware the Oliphants?” she asked thoughtfully.

As he nodded, Kenneth lifted one hand to rest above his head on the pillows. The position made him look sated, despite the jutting taunt of his manhood, and she grinned in response.

“Aye, Beware the Oliphants. The innkeeper who gave us the message had nae kenning of its meaning, and although Brodie and I thought we did, now ‘tis proven we didnae.” He shrugged languidly. “ ‘Tis a mystery I’ll no’ solve since I have better things on my mind.”

Despite his wink, Leanna tapped her lips in consideration. “Did ye ever wonder if mayhap the innkeeper had the message wrong? Mayhap ‘twasnae Beware the Oliphants, but, Be where the Oliphants…are? A command, ye ken?”

His lips curled upward skeptically. “Be where the Oliphants be mayhap?”

She shrugged. “ ‘Tis poor grammar, but ‘tis possible?”

Chuckling, he reached for her.

“Aye, lass,” he growled as she fell forward across him. “Tis possible. But this is my wedding night, I can still hear the revelry in the great hall, and I have nae interest in discussing another man while my new wife finally lies naked in my arms.”

Well, she most definitely agreed with that!

Grinning mischievously, she pushed herself up, then slithered down his body until she kneeled between his legs. He lifted his head from the pillows to frown at her.

“What are ye doing, wife?”

“ ‘Tis our wedding night, husband, and I thought I might show ye a thing or two.”

His brow twitched upward. “A thing…or two?”

Wrapping both hands around his cock, she bent forward, holding his gaze. “I thought I might show ye The Supplicant Swan,” she whispered, making sure her breath brushed across his cock.

With a groan, Kenneth fell back against the pillows, his forearm across his eyes. He was smiling however, when he gave his permission. “By all the saints, I love ye, Leanna.”

It turned out The Supplicant Swan was a little more difficult when she couldn’t stop smiling, but Leanna decided ‘twas worth it.

‘Twas all worth it, and aye, life had turned out just like a folk song, after all.