But he was still, watching her, holding himself over her, as she slowly relaxed.

“Aye, Leanna,” he murmured lovingly. “Aye, lass. ‘Tis the way.”

When she shifted under him, it did something surprisingly delightful within her, and she experimented by spreading her knees a bit more, allowing him to fall deeper inside her.


He groaned her name again, and she decided this really was a lovely way to introduce her to lovemaking.

“Backwards Donkey likely would’ve been too complex on my first try,” she blurted.

His lips twitched, even as his gaze turned desperate. “I’d like to move now, wife.”

Smiling, she lifted her arms to wrap around his neck. “Get on with it then.”

He did, and it was remarkable.

The pressure, the pleasure, which had been building before, returned. Gently, slowly, and despite his claim ‘twould be hard and fast, Kenneth took his time with her. Despite her inexperience, she could tell he was being careful, and she loved every moment of it.

Every thrust, each little moan, sent her higher and higher, ever closer to the pleasure, which seemed to always be just out of reach.

“Lass,” he panted, “I cannae—”

Although she wasn’t certain what he meant, Leanna lifted herself off the pillows and pressed a kiss to his chest. “Then dinnae, husband.”

His thrusts increased in pace, and to her complete surprise, she liked this even better than his gentleness. Each plunge wrenched a desperate sound from his lips, and she loved this power.

And then he grasped one of her breasts and rolled her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, and she screamed his name as she shot over the edge of the precipice.

Mayhap ‘twas her orgasm which brought on his own, but he dropped her nipple, thrust twice more, and let out a wordless shout as she felt a rush of warmth against her womb.

And Leanna knew every moment of her life had been just waiting for this feeling of completion. Holding Kenneth in her arms like this, knowing he was hers and he loved her, idiosyncrasies and all, made her complete in the most perfect way.

“I love you,” he whispered against her skin as he kissed her shoulder.

Humming happily, Leanna dug her fingers through the hair at the back of his head and massaged his scalp. She ran her bare feet along the backs of his calves, then wrapped around them so he couldn’t leave her too soon. “I love ye too.”

They laid like that for a long while, and she delighted in the feel of him softening, until he finally shifted and pulled out from between her legs. Mayhap she made a little whimpering noise of regret, because he was smiling as he brushed a kiss across her lips and rolled toward the edge of the bed.

“Dinnae worry, wife. The evening is just beginning.”

Deciding she would accept his word on the matter, Leanna propped her head up on one hand and watched him pour warmed water into a basin and wring out a cloth. He returned to the bed, and with the loving care he’d shown her when they’d first entered her chamber, he cleaned his seed from her skin.

Then he kissed her again.

“My wife,” he murmured, as he tucked himself around her, pulling her as close as possible and tugging the coverlet around them both.

Leanna couldn’t wait to travel with him to McClure Keep where, he assured her, her lack of sewing skills or training to run a household wouldn’t be a detriment. She’d already planned to allow the housekeeper to continue running the place while she devoted her time to making her husband’s life fun.

And mayhap begetting some heirs.

Hmm, speaking of begetting…

Not at all tired, Leanna found herself caressing her husband’s chest, her fingertips drawling little swirls in the short hairs. She’d never touched a man’s naked chest before, although she’d had plenty of opportunity to explore the stubble on Kenneth’s neck and jaw, and of course his forearms, in the last few weeks.

Who knew forearms could be so…arousing?

“So, ye seem to have quite the education when it comes to different coital positions.”