She couldn’t wait to tell him all about The Falconer and the Oyster or The Clinging Vine!

But…mayhap no’ right now.

When his mouth closed around her nipple, she gasped again, and wondered if ‘twas possible to melt into the coverlet. For this eagerly anticipated first time together, mayhap ‘twould be better to just…allow him…to lead.


He straightened and she felt a moment’s loss, but ‘twas only so he could pull her to her knees to push her gown down around her waist, then her hips. She helped him, scrambling upright and out of the silk which pooled on the bed.

Never one to care about her clothing, she nudged the gown—which her mother had insisted she help create—to the floor and raised herself off the bed.

“Ye’ve got on far too many clothes,” she pointed out, even seeing he’d already managed to kick his boots off.

He was reaching for his belt when, smiling, she decided to help him.

Her aim might’ve been a little off.

When her hand curled around his hardness, hidden beneath his kilt, Kenneth froze, then released a little moan of surrender, which made her feel quite powerful.

As his belt came off and the wool of his kilt sagged, she squeezed.

“Leanna,” he gasped, and she decided she loved the way he said her name like that, “I’ll no’ last long if ye keep that up.”

“Oh, I’m keeping something up.” She peeked up at him with a mischievous wink. “I cannae wait to see what ye do with that, Laird McClure.”

He blinked, then yanked his shirt over his head in one swift motion. When she released her hold on his manhood, the kilt fell from his hips as well, and he was now standing nude before her.

Smiling, she remembered the moment he’d appeared around that boulder at the fairy pool. Even then, she’d wondered what he would’ve looked like naked, but her imagination—and her sisters’ descriptions—wouldn’t have come close.

Kenneth stood proud, the dark hair on his forearms peppered across a chest which was still strong and chiseled, despite the years of battle. She could see scars—some small, some frighteningly large—which her fingers itched to caress, and on his thigh, his latest one really was miniscule.

Thank goodness she was such a poor archer, and that he healed so quickly.

Above that scar, healed now in the weeks since the incident, his manhood jutted proudly from a nest of dark hair. Remembering the way he’d put his mouth on her, the curious part of her wondered what he would taste like. Would he fit into her mouth?

“Lady McClure, did nae one ever tell ye the dangers of staring at a man’s cock and licking yer lips that way?”

Cock? Is that what he called it? How delightful.

She glanced up at him, then back down. “I’m just considering The Supplicant Swan. ‘Tis when a woman puts her mouth—”

With a growl, he pounced on her, pushing her back against the pillows with a laugh.

“I can guess, lass. But for now…” His lips fell to her shoulder, then the little hollow at the base of her neck. “I think ye should let me get on with it.”

“Aye!” She gasped as his mouth closed around her nipple. “Get on with it!”

She thought she’d experienced pleasure before, either at her own hands, or for those brief moments he’d shown her right here on this bed, but this…!

Leanna knew she was going to melt.

There was something so wonderful about the way every inch of her skin was caressed by a part of him. His long, hard body stretched atop hers, brushing against hers in the most appealing ways.

Who knew her elbows were so sensitive, or that a kiss to her navel could make her so wet? Having him here, and hers, was…‘twas remarkable.

His fingers were on her, and in her, and then his tongue found her core again, but this time, there was no chemise in the way. This time, he licked and suckled, and when he slid his third finger inside her, she whimpered his name and felt her inner muscles begin to contract.

He stopped suddenly, then climbed back up her body and took himself in hand. Holding her gaze, he slid his cock inside her waiting, weeping core. Aye, there was pain, a sort of fullness she’d expected, which rather rudely interrupted the orgasm she’d been happily getting on with.