“ ‘Tis a secret.”

At her proud declaration, Kenneth groaned and shut his eyes.

“ ‘Tis a secret I’ve been keeping a while, but I need to tell ye now, afore ye kiss me.”

“But after ye’ve agreed to become my lady wife?” he clarified; his eyes still closed.

Her hands untangled themselves from his plaid, and soon, he felt her small palms on his cheeks. He opened his eyes to meet her teasing gaze.

“I love ye, Kenneth McClure. I fell in love with ye the moment I saw ye, and none of what’s passed between now and then has made a bit of difference in how I feel about ye. Thank ye for loving me for me, and I promise I’m going to make yer life interesting.”

His heart near to bursting, Kenneth began to chuckle. His chuckles turned into full-blown laughter as he realized the rest of his days would be blessed.

“I dinnae doubt ye’ll make my life interesting in the best ways, Leanna!”

“Now ye may kiss me, Kenneth.”

He lowered his lips to hers, claiming her as his lady. She pressed herself upward on her toes, making the most wonderful little whimpers of need in the back of her throat, while she hung onto him as if her life depended on it.

And up on the parapets, the wail of a bagpiper began.