But no concern over them being fine husbands?

“And you will feel comfortable passing leadership to yer sons-in-law?”

“Sons-in-law, aye. Only one of them.”

Before Kenneth could point out the plural counteracted the singular, Leanna’s father continued.

“Whichever one gives me a grandson first! That’s the son-in-law I will make the next Laird Oliphant!”

That was…that was ridiculous.

It was an absolutely ridiculous way to choose a laird! It was a ridiculous way to choose anything.

“Ye’re basing the next leader of yer clan on who can sire a son first? Forgive me, milord, but the ability to produce male offspring doesnae make a man a good laird.”

Imagine if his ancestors had done something so ridiculous! Kenneth hadn’t even married yet, much less produced a son, but—

If ye marry Leanna and produce a son, will ye be expected to become Laird Oliphant?

“Laird, aye,” the man repeated happily. “Producing male offspring is half the purpose of a good laird. Sadly, I’ve failed at that.”

That headache was building, despite Kenneth’s efforts. “Ye havenae failed at all,” he snapped. “Ye have six fine daughters.”

Instead of reacting to his tone, the laird just nodded. “Daughters, aye. Do ye want one? To marry? Ye’d make a fine laird.”

“Aye, I would! I am!” Agitated now, Kenneth resisted the urge to pace. “I am Laird McClure, that is what I’ve been trying to tell ye. And aye, I want one of yer daughters!” Fooking hell, I’m sounding as mad as he is! “I mean, I want Leanna.”

The old man cackled. “Leanna, aye, but ye cannae have her unless ye marry her. I want legitimate grandsons, ye ken, if I’m to give ye the position of laird.”

“I dinnae want to be Laird Oliphant, ye—” Kenneth cut himself off before calling the old man a daft bugger, or something far worse. He took a deep breath. “I have my own clan, Laird Oliphant. I have been in the King’s service for many years, and now I am returning to my home. I want to marry and start a family, and my son will become Laird McClure after me.” Hopefully many years from now. “No’ Laird Oliphant.”

“Laird Oliphant, aye.” But the man was studying Kenneth thoughtfully now. “Ye want to marry Leanna, hmm? My youngest, as I recall. She’s full of spirit, but her mother despairs of her. She’s sick, ye ken.”

Kenneth’s heart clenched. “Sick? Leanna’s sick?”

“Sick, aye. Her mother’s sick. Her mother’s always sick, but this time, ‘tis spots.”

Kenneth’s mouth formed the word “Spots?” but the Oliphant continued.

“Of course, I dinnae see the spots, but she says each time she looks in her mirror, she can see great green spots all over her face and neck, and who am I to argue? The woman kens her own mind, I suppose, as the spider said to the bishop’s neckcloth. Of course, the whole thing could be women’s trouble. Ye ken how they are.”

“The spiders?” Kenneth asked weakly. Before the old man could repeat him, he shook his head. “I mean, I’m sorry to hear yer wife is ill. Give her my best wishes.”

“Wishes, aye. But I’ll no’ enter her chamber until she tells me the spots are clear. I dinnae want to risk catching spots. She says Nicola has declared fennel to be part of the cure—I dinnae understand that—and she’ll be spot-free soon enough. Still, she’ll no’ be disappointed to hear Leanna’s caught herself a laird for a husband.”

Was that a blessing? The whole damned conversation had become so confusing, Kenneth was having trouble keeping track.

Instead of answering, he pressed his lips together and gave Laird Oliphant a quick nod.

The older man nodded in return. “Of course, ‘tis no’ my wife ye need to worry about when it comes to marrying my daughter.”

“I ken, milord, and I’m hopeful ye will—”

The man continued as if Kenneth hadn’t spoken. “I’ve already told ye I’ll happily take ye as the next Laird Oliphant.”

Kenneth opened his mouth to tell him he didn’t want to be the next Laird Oliphant, but Leanna’s father continued once more.

“And I’ll be pleased to call ye son-in-law as well. The McClures are no’ as powerful as the Oliphants, but she’s my youngest, and a bit of a trouble-maker. If ye’re willing to take her off my hands so the rest of my lassies can find husbands, I’ll happily give ye my blessing.”