Kenneth accepted the news stoically, his gaze on the training men, if not his attention. “And I suppose,” he began carefully, “if neither of ye have seen him on Oliphant land, then he wasnae here?”

Doughall grunted in what sounded like surprise, but Coira snapped an answer. “Aye, Smith-Bruce-Campbell-Stewart. Between the two of us, we ken the goings on at Oliphant Castle. We have nae secrets to keep.”

Was it possible her barb was directed at the fact he hadn’t used his clan name?

Defensive now, he shifted so he could see both of them. “Do ye have any way to prove that? I need to be certain McIlvain is no’ here on Oliphant land.”

Doughall’s eyes narrowed, and Coira tossed up her hands in frustration, and nearly growled, “Ye want us to prove a negative? ‘Tis impossible!”

Without proof, how could he be certain the missing Hunter wasn’t here? Something must’ve shown in his expression, because Coira sighed and dropped her hands to her hips.

“Look ye, Smith-Bruce-Campbell-Stewart, ye’re just going to have to trust our words. We’ve no’ seen yer missing warrior, and we’ve heard of nae man fitting that description in the area.”

“Trust ye?” he repeated, a little surprised at the idea.

But…since the time he’d arrived on Oliphant land, he’d been shown nothing but kindness. And aye, trust. Coira, all her sisters, and both her parents had trusted him with Leanna. They were caring for Brodie and had offered them both hospitality.

Kenneth hadn’t found a single clue to indicate McIlvain’s presence at Oliphant Castle. In fact, everyone had denied seeing the man. And here was Leanna’s sister, telling him the same thing and asking for his trust.

Did he trust her? Did he trust the rest of the Oliphants?

Well…that was a simple riddle. He trusted Leanna more than he’d ever expected to trust a woman. She was just so damned open and carefree, speaking each thought, that he was certain she kept no secrets from him.

And if he trusted her, he had to trust her family.

But he’d been lying to them this entire time.

Mayhap his expression hinted at his inner debate, because Coira’s expression softened. “Aye, ye’re going to have to trust us. Trust all of us.”

She was speaking of his name, the one she kept repeating with sarcasm. And she was right.

He needed to accept the truth: McIlvain wasn’t here.

If the missing Hunter wasn’t on Oliphant land, that meant his mission had been completed; he could send a missive to the King and his fellow Hunters, altering them to look elsewhere. And then...?

And then, he could look to his future.

A future which featured Leanna.

He needed to tell her the truth.

Tension left his shoulders as he realized nothing—no mission, and soon, no lies—would stand between him and the happiness he craved.

When he thrust out his hand in Coira’s direction, Leanna’s sister startled. With a frown, she glanced down at the limb, as if expecting a blow. Kenneth held it until, uncertainly, Coira gripped his forearm in a warrior’s gesture.

“Thank ye,” he said softly to her. “I trust ye.”

“Do ye?” Her brows—demonstrative slashes—rose in surprise. “And my sister?”

“Aye.” Kenneth slowly smiled. “I trust her most of all.”

Coira nodded once before dropping her hand and stepping backward. Kenneth exchanged approving glances with Doughall, then turned to head back to the castle.

But once he’d gone a half-dozen steps, he turned once more and called to them, his mind made up. When they both twisted to glance at him, he offered them a smile.

“My name’s McClure.”

The commander nodded and looked back at his men, but Coira’s sister’s expression burst into a pleased smile, and Kenneth knew he’d done the right thing.

Trust us all.

He had to tell Leanna who he really was. But first, there was a question which needed asking, and not of her.