“What’re Hunters?”

He hummed, asking her for clarification as he glanced down at her.

“Hunters. Ye said ye and McIlvain are Hunters. I could hear the capital H, so dinnae deny it. I’m assuming ye dinnae mean ye shoot deer with arrows kind of thing.”

His lips twitched, and suddenly not at all anxious to get to the meal, he pulled her into a little alcove. As he settled his back against the wall and his hands on her hips, pulling her to stand between his legs, he adopted an affronted expression. “I have shot many deer for our cookpots.”

“I dinnae doubt that.” She poked him in the chest, her dimple proving she was fighting a smile. “But that isnae what I meant. Is Brodie a Hunter too?”

“He is my clansman, I told ye. He has served me as a guard for many, many years.”

“During yer time at court?”

He inclined his head. “There, and on missions.”

“Hunting missions?”

She was like a dog after a bone. “Ye really havenae heard of His Majesty’s Hunters? We’re whispered about all over the Highlands: cautionary tales for naughty bairns and feared wherever evil men gather.”

“Well, ye’re no’ whispered about here.” She rolled her eyes in exasperation. “At least no’ where I can hear of ye.”

He frowned in surprise, just as she huffed and poked him again in the chest.

“Do ye no’ think ye’ve done enough building the anticipation? We’re at seventy percent of the way through, and we still dinnae have an explanation!”

Kenneth’s expression went carefully blank as he craned his head in both directions down the corridor, looking for others. They were alone, as he’d expected.

“We?” he repeated carefully. “And what do ye mean, seventy percent of the way through? Way through what? This hallway?”

Shrugging, Leanna clucked her tongue as she waved one hand dismissively and flattened the other hand against his chest. “It doesnae matter. Just tell me who the Hunters are, please.”

Sometimes he didn’t understand how her mind worked, but he knew that was part of her charm. ‘Twas fun being surprised anew at the way she saw the world. So he mentally shrugged and answered her question.

“We are the ones the King relies on to…find people.”

“Bad people?”


“Often. But not always. Sometimes it is a person who is avoiding an audience with the King. Sometimes outlaws, sometimes worse.”

When she shuddered, he felt it through their connection.

“It sounds dangerous,” she murmured, her gaze on his chest.

He wondered what she was imagining. Whatever it was, it couldn’t be as bad as the truth, and Kenneth vowed he’d never let any of his dark past disturb their bright future together. So he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close to his chest, and resting his chin on her hair.

“It was dangerous, but I survived. Brodie saved my life more than a few times, and I regret I wasnae there when he stumbled upon those bandits.”

“Nicola told me he’s awake,” she said against his chest. “Have ye been to visit him?”

“Aye.” Kenneth had brought his friend whisky, and they’d toasted their victories enough, his friend had forgotten all about this recent defeat. “His shoulder is healing but his leg is destroyed.”

The knowledge his loyal man had suffered so was a sharp pain of guilt in Kenneth’s chest.

Leanna snuggled closer. “He’s alive, and that’s what matters.”

Slowly, a sort of lightness filled Kenneth as he considered Leanna’s words. Aye, Brodie was alive, and that was what mattered. He’d never be able to guard Kenneth’s back again, but on the other hand, Kenneth was finished with being a Hunter, so their lives were both changing.