He’d brought her pleasure, instead of taking his own. And in the darkness of the passage, he’d comforted her. She remembered the feel of his strong pulse under her fingers, and the way he helped her calm her breathing, and she was even more confused.

Was he just a noble warrior who would treat any woman in distress the same way? Or did he genuinely care for her the way she absolutely, irrevocably, cared about him?

I doubt he’d care for just any woman in distress with his tongue, the way he did on the bed.

Leanna found herself scowling. Which side was her subconscious on anyway?

The side which leads to more licking, please.

There was a flash of dark blue from under his lashes as he glanced at her, and the corner of his lips twitched upward, briefly.

And the parts of her she thought of as her lady bits—the parts he’d had in his mouth the day before yesterday—gave a little silent squeal of joy.

“Mayhap I’m praying,” she offered, in response to his accusation of inattention.

He snorted softly, keeping his voice as low as hers was so no one would hear them over Father John’s intonations, when he murmured, “Nay, ye’re no’. Ye’re staring at that particularly randy gargoyle. Is he fondling his own cock?”

So I’m no’ the only one who sees it!

“Thank ye!” she cried, clapping her hands with excitement, thrilled he interpreted that carving the same way she had.

And she would’ve explained her odd reaction, except the entire chapel had heard her outburst.

As one, her family and clanspeople turned to stare incredulously at her, thanks to her volume. Even Father John had halted, mid-blabber, to glare at her.

Leanna thought fast.

Clasping her hands together, she brought them to her chest and stared heavenward. “Thank ye, oh Heavenly Father, for the gift of everlasting life ye have granted to this lucky soul!” she cried enthusiastically. “Thank ye for the blessings ye’ve bestowed on all of us puir sinners! Thank ye!”

Kenneth, bless him, picked up on her attempt at redirection. He joined his own hands together in prayer and bowed his head. “We are unworthy for the gifts bestowed upon us in the form of yer son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. Thank ye, oh Lord,” he intoned.

She lifted her clasped hands towards the ceiling—and the masturbating gargoyle. “We thank ye for accepting this puir soul into your bosom of Heaven and pray to all the saints for intercessions on his behalf. Thank ye, oh Lord!”

Nodding along, Kenneth raised his hands as well. “Amen,” he said fervently, and loudly enough for everyone else to hear.

It worked!

More than a few of her clansmembers murmured, “Amen” in agreement, or made the sign of the cross. Even her family, some of whom were sending suspicious glances at her, more or less nodded and faced forward once more. Father John harrumphed once or twice, then went back to his incense waving.

And once everyone was completely facing forward again, Leanna—hands still clasped to her bosom—peeked up at Kenneth. He was trying to hide his own grin, and that made it even harder for her to contain her laughter.

He understood her well, for certes.

She spent the rest of the service not thinking about her eternal soul—as Father John urged—or the poor drummer they would bury today. Instead, she hid her grin and thought about the possibilities of the future.

* * *

She heldhis hand on the way to the evening meal, and Kenneth loved that. He loved, not just the feel of her fingers twined with his, but the fact she was open and free enough with her affections to want to touch him in front of her family. He was proud she’d chosen him.

She’ll make a fine mother.

He had to hide his smirk at his subconscious’ naiveté. Leanna would make a wild mother; full of mad plans and enthusiastic adventures for her bairns. She’d be not at all like the kind of mother Kenneth had expected for his children…she’d be better.

She’d be fun.

And he couldn’t wait.

That little interruption in the chapel earlier had proven how much fun she could be if he allowed himself to enjoy her shenanigans. They’d managed to keep solemn faces for the burial, even when the priest had unconsciously repeated some of their own blasphemous prayers. And when Father John had declared the Ghostly Drummer of Oliphant Castle completely exorcised, Leanna and Kenneth had cheered with the rest of them, even though they were both fighting laughter.