She did her best not to giggle at his confusion. “He’s like a member of the family. Mother brought his sire to Oliphant Castle when she married Da, and I’ve grown up with Bill the Ass wandering about.”

“So he’s like a pet?”

Before taking the next turn, she stopped long enough to throw him a smile. “Nay, he’s a member of the family,” she repeated. “Surely ye have a few asses in yer family?”

His brows furrowed as he thought. “I do have a Cousin William I consider a right arse.”

Lifting the candle in a salute, she nodded. “There ye are. Another Bill the Ass.”

He opened his mouth to reply, but at that moment, a wailing screech filled the passageway, and likely the entire castle. Even though Leanna recognized it, she jumped, and it startled Kenneth so much, he dropped his candle as he cursed mightily.

“What in the name of all the saints was that?” he barked, as he stooped to pick up the dropped candle, then held it out to her to relight. “That sounded like one of your ghosts. Or Fergus.”

Aww! He remembered!

So mayhap she was beaming proudly at him when she shook her head. “Nay, ‘twas the bagpiper. Come along this way now.”

He followed her, muttering a quiet, “Bagpiper?” which Leanna chose not to answer. There was no need to tell him all the Oliphant’s secrets right away, was there?

They took two more turns and were headed for the next level, before he spoke again.

“There isnae much dust in these passageways, presumably because there’s no’ much airflow and space. But what little there is isnae disturbed.”

She’d slowed to hear his words, and when he touched her elbow, she turned. He used his candle to gesture behind them, where she could see two sets of footprints in the faint dust. They both turned to peer ahead into the gloom, but as far as she could see, the dirt was unmarred with footprints.

“Bill likely hasnae been in here since the winter,” she said, unsure why she was whispering.

“Aye, but it seems as if nae one else has been in here either.”

She shook her head. “I told ye, I’m usually the only one who— Och! Ye mean yer one-eyed golden giant?”

“If McIlvain had been through here, ‘twould have been recent enough to see his tracks.”

Shrugging, she lifted the candle and headed toward the steps to the next level. “Then perhaps he wasnae. There’s still two levels to check.”

These steps were practically a ladder, made of narrow and steep stones set into the wall. She had to juggle her skirts, hold the candle, and hang onto the wall to keep from slipping. About halfway up, she felt his hand on her lower back and shivered with the delighted knowledge Kenneth was protecting her.

“If we can find nae evidence of McIlvain in these passages,” he began slowly, as if considering his words, “I’ll need yer help searching for other evidence of his stay here.”

As thrilled as she was Kenneth believed she could be a help, Leanna had to ask, “What makes ye think he was ever here? I’m certain I’d remember a stranger who looked the way ye described him.” She shot him a mischievous smile over her shoulder as they reached the next level. “Especially if he’s half as good-looking as ye are.”

His lips twitched. “Mayhap a quarter as good-looking.”

“Ye didnae answer my question,” she pointed out.

To her surprise, his expression shuttered. “I cannae tell ye why I believe he was here. Only that I’m following his trail, and he left clues.”

Clues? A trail? Her smile bloomed again.

“Ooh, mysterious!” Then she shrugged and turned forward once more. “Well, I promise ye, with five sisters, one of us would’ve noticed a well-built, almost-as-handsome-as-ye, one-eyed stranger.”

“No’ if yer father kept him a secret.”

He’d said the words hesitantly, as if he hadn’t wanted to. Why? Was he afraid to hurt her feelings? She chuckled and had to stop again. When he halted beside her, frowning, her chuckles turned to laughter.

“Ye’ve met my father, aye?” Without waiting for his solemn nod, she continued her mirthful explanation. “He’s a dear man, but as scholarly as his father. Where do ye think Wynda gets her love of learning and her library from? He’s no’ a man given to machinations or politics or murders.”

Kenneth was still frowning in concentration. “Mayhap…”