“Och, aye. For that reason too,” she answered with playful grin.

As they strolled through the main gate, he frowned. “Ye wanted me to fail?”

“I dinnae ken yer search, but I ken ye’ll be much more likely to succeed with me involved. ‘Tis why I was pleased to hear ye havenae succeeded yet.” She sounded completely certain of her reasoning, and was heading toward the well, as if she understood his need to wash. “And why, since I believe ye’re an intelligent man, ye’ll be asking for my help soon.”

Kenneth didn’t respond. He wasn’t sure how to respond. Never had he met a woman who, not only understood the situation without even knowing any of the details, but anticipated his responses and requirements.

Luckily, he didn’t have to formulate words right away, because they’d reached the well and it allowed him time to think. She released his arm as he stepped up to the rope and pulled up the bucket to rest on the stone edge.

Considering his options, Kenneth took his time rinsing off his hands and forearms, knowing this morning’s sparring was barely a workout. Then he dunked his entire head in the bucket, which garnered a delighted laugh from the lass at his side.

When he emerged, shaking his hair like a shaggy dog, Kenneth was smiling.

His decision made, he turned to her and, ignoring the water dripping down his neck, crossed his arms and propped his hip against the edge of the well. “Ye think ye might be able to help me, lass?”

She mirrored him, crossing her arms and affecting a nonchalant tone when she answered. “I ken I can, if ye’re looking for something here at Oliphant Castle.” She glanced away and dropped her voice conspiratorially, when she said from the corner of her mouth, “I’ve lived here my whole life, ye ken.”

Chuckling, he felt his heart grow lighter. “Aye, I ken it. And it’s no’ something I’m looking for, Leanna, but someone.”

Her eyes widened, and she dropped her arms. “Ye’re looking for someone?” she whispered.

“Aye,” he drawled. “And I think ye’re just the one to help me find him.”

With a squeal which completely surprised him, Leanna threw herself forward, wrapping her arms around his neck. If Kenneth hadn’t honed his reflexes for years, he might’ve gone toppling into the well. As it was, he barely had time to get his arms around her before letting out a loud, “Oof!” when he knocked against the stone.

“Oh, Kenneth, thank ye! I’ll help ye, aye!” She was practically vibrating in excitement, and he had to chuckle at the way she was bouncing up and down.

“Calm yerself, lass. Ye dinnae ken who ‘tis I’m looking for!”

In a blink, she pulled back far enough to stare up into his face, her expression serious for a change. His hands cupped her hips, feeling as if he could hold her steady for the rest of his life.

“I ken it, Kenneth,” she whispered. “But I’m thanking ye for trusting me enough to ask me for my help. Nae one ever believes in me…”

When she trailed off, he had the strongest urge to drop a kiss on her adorable little upturned nose. He wanted to…comfort her? Is that what this sensation was? He wanted to hold her close and assure her he’d always treasure her and believe in her and protect her innocence.

Not her innocence innocence, because ‘twas clear from the come-hither looks she always gave him, she was no virgin. But her innocent enthusiasm about the world was something he wanted to protect and ensure she never had to see some of the horrors he’d seen over his nearly-forty years.


“What’s yer meaning, lass? Nae one believes in ye?”

With a sigh, she rocked back on her heels, removing her arms from around his neck. It was likely for the best, because there was improper, and then there was embracing his host’s daughter in the middle of the man’s own courtyard. But Kenneth couldn’t allow her to leave him entirely; he caught hold of her hands before she could step back.

Leanna dropped her gaze to their joined hands, and he saw a flush creep up her neck.

“My sisters, my parents, well…everyone thinks me undisciplined and unruly and, well…silly.”

He’d known her only a few short days, and he had to admit, she could seem frivolous. But that didn’t mean she didn’t bring others joy.

“What do ye think, lass?” he murmured.

She shrugged, peeking up at him from under her lashes. “I like adventure. I like fun. Sometimes that means I must make my own adventures, and I’m fine with that.” Her chin rose. “But I ken my strengths.”

“What are they?”

She blinked, as if she hadn’t expected that question. “I like to make other people smile. I’m good at that. I’m good at getting people to do what I need them to do as well. I’m also… Och, well, ye likely dinnae want to hear—”

“I do,” he interrupted softly. When she glanced sharply at him, Kenneth squeezed her hands, but kept his expression serious. “I want to hear yer thoughts, lass.”