“So, what’s that all about, eh?”

Leanna considered denying it or acting innocent. But she was never one to back down from a challenge, and she just knew Kenneth was going to be the adventure she’d been craving.

“I think I’m in love with him,” she stated matter-of-factly.

Her older sister chuckled but didn’t try to talk her out of it. In fact, Nicola patted her shoulder, then yawned. “And all the Oliphants ken that when ye see something ye want, ye go after it. Does the poor man ken he’s doomed?”

Leanna scoffed. “Doomed? Hardly. Neither of us have heard the ghostly drummer—which I dinnae even believe exists!” she teased. “Besides, I just met Kenneth. I need to put him through his paces afore I start planning our future. Have a little fun.”

“Just dinnae let Da ken ye’ve had yer fun afore the vows, or he’ll—”

“Och, I dinnae mean that kind of fun.” Leanna cocked her head to one side, as she recalled her body’s reaction to being held by him. “Although now that ye mention it…”

With a snort, Nicola began to climb the stairs, leaving Leanna staring down the corridor after Kenneth.

He never did tell her what he was searching for. And if nothing else, figuring that much out ought to be fun!