His friend seemed to understand his dilemma and shook his head slightly. It spoke volumes, coming from such a man. Brodie was warning him that if they accepted Leanna’s offer of help, they’d be thrust into the heart of Oliphant Castle, when they’d just decided to remain unseen.

But as his friend listed sideways, and his mare side-stepped to account for the shift, Kenneth knew his decision had already been made. If this Nicola—laird’s daughter or not—could help Brodie, he had to accept the danger which may await them inside the castle.

Beware the Oliphants.

Kenneth carefully swung up behind his friend, trying not to jar Brodie as he wrapped an arm around the younger man’s middle. He nodded to Leanna. “My gelding is waiting downstream. We follow ye, milady.”

The smile she sent before whirling and beginning her scramble down the rocks was blinding and made Kenneth’s insides churn. He still wanted her, aye, even if she was the Oliphant’s daughter.

Beware the Oliphants.

As he urged the mare into movement, he winced. He might be ignoring McIlvain’s warning, but he was helpless to do otherwise. Brodie needed healing, and as for Kenneth…?

Well, he suspected his heart was already lost.

But at least he could keep his identity—and his mission—a secret. He might be able to solve the mystery of the missing Hunter, but in doing so, he might lose all hope of a chance with Leanna.

Kenneth swallowed and tightened his hold on his friend as they rode. The mission was more important than his heart’s surprising reaction to a bathing forest sprite…wasn’t it?