
If that fucking dickhead in the corner tells me not to touch her one more time.

Ignoring him, I stroke my fingers over the wetness of Viola’s silky knickers, making her moan. She rubs herself on me, exposing the USB strapped to her thigh. As I pocket it, her teeth grazes my lip, driving me fucking crazy. Christ. I want to rip her panties off and take her here and now.

But the orderly intones his goddamn warning again. I shoot him a savage look, and with effort pull away from the one girl who makes me hard without even trying.

I wet my lips and grin at her. “Still fucking feral, I see.” I want to take my soaked fingers and taste her, but I’m not that much of a fucking cave man.

Devouring her can wait.

“You haven’t tamed me yet, Marques,” she says, angling her head, smoothing over the kink I’ve made in her skirt.

Fucking hell. I’m so goddamn hard right now, I don’t know if I can walk straight back to my room and not shoot my load. I would if I didn’t give a fuck about the cameras…

Actually, I don’t give a fuck about the cameras. I wouldn’t hesitate to fuck Viola in this room, or take her back to my goddamn cell they call a room. She looks at me curiously so I say what’s on my mind. “If I could, I’d drag you back to my box room and bang you against all four paper thin fucking walls.”

She smirks. “You always say the nicest things.” .

“You love it,” I say in a low voice. “I felt how wet you are.”

“See you in ninety days, Jude,” she says, giving me the cruelest fucking smile.

As Viola vanishes to freedom, I let the orderly walk me back to the day room. I anticipate the blow to the side of the head before it comes. I flipped him the finger when we were in the visitor’s lounge. There’s no way he’ll let that go. After three days, I’ve learned one thing—the orderlies do what the fuck they like and no one can does fuck all to stop them.

Unless, of course, you’re not afraid to fight back.

After the orderly beats me with his fucking stick, I don’t hesitate. I turn on the bastard who perved on me and Viola, slamming my fist into his face. There’s a glorious sound of his nose breaking. Then he goes down, releasing the alarm like the prick he is. It takes three full grown men to drag me back to my room, tie me down, and pump me full of goddam drugs.

Fucking cunts,I think and then I’m out.

When I come to, I’m no longer strapped to the bed, but my head pounds and my mouth feels like the blasted Sahara. I sit up, groggy still, and assess the damage in the mirror.

No. Nothing to the face.

They go for the areas that won’t show abuse when visitors come. Fucking bastards. I feel in my pocket, the USB Viola gave me is still there. They didn’t think to pat me down after my visit, which says a lot about this shit hole. No one gives a fuck.

They keep me locked in my room until dinner time, and then one of the orderlies comes to let me out. I’ve been here three days and already I’m confined to my room most of the time, so when I’m not, teenagers are suddenly everywhere. Some of them look at me warily, others seem subdued with dark circles under their eyes like they’re wasted on whatever they make you take to keep you mindless. Ironic really, giving addicts drugs to control them.

“You shouldn’t piss them off,” says one of the guys in line with me for dinner.

He’s a toned, slim guy with a mop of light brown hair, tattoos on his neck.

“They shouldn’t piss me off,” I snap.

He shakes his head. “So you’re one of those. Just what we need. A gorilla with a hard on for beating the shit out of people.”

I stare at him, ready to twat the annoying little fuck. “What the fuck did you say?”

“Jordan,” he holds out his hand.

“Jude,” I say, not taking it.

“Look just some friendly advice,” he sighs as he takes his food. “The more you fail their tests, the less likely you are to get out of here.”

“That’s not an issue for me,” I say, waving him away, reluctantly taking the crap they expect us to eat and placing it on my tray.

He grins. “Voluntary right?”