Outside of the diner, Dino is still in the car. I look over at him through the window as he frowns. He’s on the phone again. I smile as he catches my eye. I’m fighting the lull of sleep, and even though it’s warm in the waffle house I’m feeling chilled to the bone. I turn back to my tea. In my bag are the earphones. I plug them into my phone and place the buds in my ear, switching to a listening app that links to a bug I placed in the car when I was hunting down Razor, and wanted evidence of Razor’s betrayal. It’s good when things come in handy twice.

Dino’s voice crackles in my ear.

“You bastard, stay away from my friends.”

There’s a pause.

“You know exactly what I’m talking about. Razor doesn’t do shit without your permission.”

Dino stops talking, listening to the other person down the end of the line. Suddenly, he seethes. “So you stole Razor’s car.”

I can hear him shifting in his seat.


“Lay a hand on them again and you’re fucking dead. I don’t care if you’re my brother.”

He hangs up, not before ending the call with a “fuck you.”

I take my time gathering my things before leaving the diner. My ankle is throbbing less now, so I manage to limp my way to the door. Walking in, I refused to alert Dante to my injury but now I don’t give a fuck. Dino gets out of the car before I can stop him. He runs over and scoops me up in his arms.

“Put me down,” I snap at him, my words slurred. My eyes are fucking heavy.

“Just shut up for once, Viola, please,” he sighs.

“What did you do to me?” I say. But I know what he did. He put the painkillers in my coffee.

The fucker drugged me.

He carries me to the car. As we pull away, I lazily glance over at Dino. The scars on his knuckles are stark white where his hands are gripping the wheel.

“Did you speak to your brother?” I say, my words a little slurred.

He nods, his brow creasing as he looks over. He looks afraid. “He’s still looking into things.”

I don’t reply. I can’t. All I can do is let my head droop, finally allowing myself to pass out.

Why are you even lying to me Dino?