I shake my head. “I haven’t taken any. They make you drowsy.”

He frowns. “You should, you’re pale as a fucking ghost.”

“I’ve been worse,” I shrug.

“They’re here if you need them,” he says as he puts the box in the door card pocket.

“I won’t. Now can we please drive.”


“Quinn’s office,” I say.

He frowns, biting his lip. “So we’re not framing Dante?”

I shake my head. “He’s on to me, which can only mean he still has Quinn. I don’t trust the blood she sent me. It could be contaminated. As long as Dante has Quinn, he’s going to keep fucking things up.”

“So this is a rescue mission?”

“Something like that.”

He nods, approving of my actions for once. I don’t feel the need to tell him that I could have rescued her weeks ago when she gave me the chapstick. It just suited me to leave her in place so I could watch Dante as much as he assumed he was watching me.

I give Dino directions as he drives. His phone rings just as we get there.

Dino looks down and sighs, then he glances my way. “I need to take this. Will you be okay?” I nod and he gets out and walks in the opposite direction, talking in a low voice.

That suits me fine. I can do this better without Dino breathing down my neck.

There’s a cap on the back seat. I grab it and shove it over my hair, zipping up my black hoodie. I also snatch my backpack from the backseat and extract the chapstick Quinn gave me when we met in the underground bar from my bag. In it is a piece of paper with a code on it, as I knew there would be. I take it out, memorise it, and then slip it into my pocket. It takes me less than a minute to walk up to Quinn’s office and open the barricaded door using the code.

Inside the office is low lit. There’s a slight mustiness to the air, like the place hasn’t been used in a while. The computers are trashed and all of Quinn’s personal items are gone. I walk over to the fridge where Quinn liked to keep her homemade smoothies and shakes. There’s a jug labelled kale and cucumber. It’s still half full of brown sludge. Quinn gave me a clue when I called her so I know to lift it out and look underneath. Taped to the underside is a USB stick with my name on. I retrieve it, placing the jug back where it was.

When I step out of Quinn’s office, Dino is walking up with a coffee in each hand.

“I’m done,” I say.

“That was quick. Where’s Quinn?” he asks, as he hands me a cup in exchange for the backpack.

“She’s gone already,” I say. I take a sip of the hot liquid, warning my fingers. I didn’t realise how fucking freezing my hands are. “She must have executed her escape plan. Who was that on the phone?” I ask, knowing full well who it was.

“My brother. He’s going to look into who was driving Razor’s car.” Dino frowns. “Is your ankle okay?” I’m not putting any weight on it.

I nod. “It’s fine. Can you take me to this place?” I show him the address of a waffle house off the motorway.

“Sure. Why, what’s there?” He takes my elbow.

After a pause, I let him support me, saying just one word.


I makeDino wait in the car. He isn’t happy about it. After a few grumblings, he relented. Only letting me go once I convinced him Dante isn’t going to hurt me in public.

Just as I get out of the car, he leans over and gives me a kiss. It’s the first time he’s touched me since he got out of the police station. I tense at first, and then I’m drowning at the feel of his mouth on mine. He smells of citrus and cinnamon, like he always does.

I pull away after a minute. I have people to kill. And assassins to make deals with.

I make my way into the waffle house, glancing back at Dino watching me as I step inside. I don’t understand him. He’s hot and then cold. It’s like he’s conflicted, and I don’t know what the fucking argument is about. I just hope he sorts it out, because I can’t be pandering to him anymore.