“I haven’t killed Razor,” I say, looking at him over the end of my bow. Though, I still might.

“Why don’t I believe you?”

I let out a breath, bored with the conversation already. “I’ve no idea.”

“Fucking hell. What am I going to do with you?” Dino scowls down the end of the phone.

I release the air in my lungs, and with it all the pent up frustration. “How about helping me rather than nagging me all the time?”

“Christ’s sake. Where are you?” I can almost see him rolling his eyes. Asshole.

I blink at Razor who looks like he’s about to cry. “Parked up the green lane, in the woods behind the house.”

“I’ll be there in five.” Dino hangs up.

I could just ignore Dino, but that might make my life more difficult later. When Dino shows up on his bike about five minutes later, I’m incredibly calm. I wait as he turns off the engine and dismounts, pulling off his helmet and securing it to his bike.

Since I haven’t yet got out of the car, he strides over to the Aston. His eyes widen when he sees Razor in the passenger seat.

Dino opens the door and tosses his bike keys into Razor’s lap. “Take my bike and fuck off.”

I glare at him. “He’s not going anywhere.”

“Viola, don’t argue with me on this,” he says, the threat in his voice clear as day.

“You’re ruining my interrogation,” I counter, but I lift up my bow effectively releasing my hostage. “Go on, fuck off,” I snap at the guy with a hole in foot.

“Fucking crazy bitch,” Razor mutters under his breath. He hobbles over to the bike. It takes him a few minutes to kick start the beast. I can’t help watching him struggle with complete satisfaction.

As soon as Razor rides off, Dino turns to me and glowers. “Get out, I’m driving.”

“That’s a no.”

He rolls his eyes, sighs, and gets in the passenger seat. “Why is the floor wet?”

“There’s blood on it.”

Dino blinks at me. “Can you not go around shooting and stabbing people just because you feel like it?.”

“Stop crying, he’s fine. He rode out of here okay, didn’t he?”

“You don’t know what or who you’re playing with,” he says.

“Enlighten me,” I say, turning on the engine and driving like a crazy person out of the wood. I’m not a reckless driver usually, but watching Dino hang on for dear life is the highlight of my fucking day.

When Dino’s no longer gripping the door card, he clenches his jaw and gives me a side glare. “Razor and his guys run product for my brother on the street. They have Kristian’s protection.”

I don’t bat an eyelid. It doesn’t surprise me. “So your brother is behind this?”

“I didn’t say that.”

I reach down and pass the folders with the images printed from the CCTV footage to him as I drive. “That’s Razor’s Lancer in those pictures.”

Dino flicks through them, frowning. After a minute he closes the file and hands it back. “That’s not Razor driving.”

“How do you know?”

“Because he wouldn’t dare cross my brother.” After a minute, he adds, “Kristian won’t let this go, you know. You’re messing with his production.”