He grins and walks over. “Back for the ride of your life, babe?” His crew around him snigger, but I stare him down as he leans on the car door.

“No. I’ve come to kill you.” Nestled on my lap is my crossbow, point-blank aimed at his face.

The smirk fades from his lips and two things happen. His guys reach for their guns, and Razor realises there’s no way his men can shoot me before I can release a bow right between his eyes.

“Tell them to back off,” I say, revving the engine.

“Back off,” he repeats. His guys do as they are told.

“Now unarm yourself and get in the car, and maybe I won’t stick this arrow in your skull.” Razor hesitates. I don’t blame him.

When he still doesn’t move, I cock my head. “What’s wrong, afraid of a little girl?”

That gives him the push he needs. As he looks me up and down, assessing the threat, he smiles. “Not at all, beautiful. No at all.” He drops his gun and opens the door, sliding into the passenger seat. He’s putting on a show for the guys. Why do men always under-estimate me? I accelerate out of the lot, bow still firmly aimed at Razor’s head.

I drive until I’m sure no one is following us, then turn off into a green lane and pullover. Keeping the crossbow trained on him, I turn to assess my captive.

“You don’t have to keep that thing pointed at me,” he says, eyes sparkling like there’s some major flirting going on and I didn’t just kidnap him in front of his crew.

“The only reason you’re still alive is because Dino vouched for you once. So don’t push your luck.”

“Are you going to tell me what this is about?”

“Your car, where the fuck is it?” I didn’t see it in the parking lot when I abducted Razor.

He frowns, eyes darkening. “My car?

“The yellow Lancer.” I toss a file at him. He opens it. Still images of the car chasing Lorcan’s Bugatti are inside. “That car. It’s yours isn’t it?”

Understanding dawns across his face. “That’s mine,” he says calmly. Putting the images back in the file and offering it back to me. I don’t take it.

“Where the fuck is it now?” I say, keeping my voice level.

His brows knit together as he places the folder on the dash. “You think that was me?”

“Who else?” I ask. He didn’t seem surprised to see the photos, or ask what was happening in them. He knows about the crash.

Razor narrows his eyes. “The timestamp is at 6 a.m. this morning. I was still in bed when these were taken. Ask my girls.”

“Then explain your car being on the road.”

“I don’t have to do fuck all,” he snorts.

I’m so close to releasing the fucking arrow in his face. This fucking close. Instead I aim it at his foot and pull the trigger. The arrow pierces through his shoe and he screams. I reload while he’s floundering and trying to pull the arrow out.

“You fucking bitch, you shot me!”

“I wouldn’t take it out. You might bleed to death. Now tell me or I’ll put holes in you some more.”

His eyes glitter with rage. “You’re a fucking psycho, you know that.”

“So everyone keeps telling me,” I say, nonchalantly.

After a few seconds of staring back at me, he sneers. “The only reason you’re not dead right now is because he wants you alive.”

I don’t get to ask Razor what the fuck he means, because Dino calls me.

“Please tell me you haven’t killed Razor. Sonia just called and said you abducted him from the meet in fucking Hayes.” Word gets around.