I squint, glancing at her. “Because I fucking do, that’s how.” I’m blinded again so I brake hard, making the prick following me swerve all over the road.

“Lor, watch it!” Saskia hisses as she jerks forward, plunging her nails into the soft leather as she does.

I don’t bother to nag her, I don’t have time. The cunt is back up my rear end, revving his engine like a complete tosser.

“What are you doing?!” Sas says.

“Teaching that fucking dickhead to back off.”

Saskia looks around, out the small tinted back window. “Can you lose him?”

“It’s a forty limit on this road.” And for good reason, there’s a verge on the left making the bends extremely dangerous to take at speed. It's also impossible to overtake.

“Then pull back, let him go past,” she says.

“I’ll just pull an overtake lane out my fucking ass shall I?” I snarl. Saskia shoots me a dark look. I shake my head. I’m being a dick. “He can’t. The road is too dangerous. Hold on.”

I slam on the breaks again. Sas lets out a high pitched scream for no fucking reason. “Lore!” she hisses.

“I said hold—” my words are cut short as the fucker hits us, shunting us forward. Saskia screams again. “What he actual fuck!” He hit my actual fucking car. I see red and accelerate out of the corner. The engine growls as we lurch forward, putting distance between us and the prick who can’t fucking drive. My chest is tight, and my hands are sweating like fuck.

I’m this close to pulling over and beating the shit out of him.

Lights blaze again.

“He’s catching up!” Saskia shouts, sounding absolutely terrified.

“Who is this dickhead?” The moment I say it, I know. It’s not a coincidence that we’re being run off the road the very next day after Joseph is killed and I come back from Italy. “No way,” I say to myself. “No fucking way.”

“Is it Dante?” Saskia, wide-eyed, asks as I make a decision to lose him. There’s no way he can match my car. No damn way.

Recklessly, I push the car to the limit, adrenaline searing my fucking veins as we take the bends dangerously close.

I don’t see the deer until it’s too late.

My sister screams.

I drag the wheel.

The car swerves, then flips as the deer crashes into the car, kicking through the goddamn windshield. My last thought as we hit the verge and metal and glass spears the deer’s fucking throat is…

…Fuck, there’s so much fucking blood.