“Since I was ten.”

He pauses, then sits back down and waits.

“After we left my father, she tried to go it alone but it was too much. It was the third attempt at killing us both that I used to get her committed.”

“You committed your own mother when you were ten? That must have been hard.”

“No harder than what I’d already been through.”

“Your father…he anything like mine?”

“I don’t know,” I say. “Honestly, I’ve no idea what fathers are meant to be like.”

“Do I need to kill him for you?” he asks solemnly.

No one has ever offered to kill Adrien Harper-Black. No one. A laugh escapes me. Fuck this boy. He’s bloody perfect sometimes.

Lorcan’s phone rings, breaking the spell. He expels a breath and stands, answering as he does. “Yes?” There’s a pause. “This is Lorcan Duke.”

Lorcan mouths the word “police,” and then he walks to the other end of the room to listen to what they have to say. When he finishes, he hangs up and strides back over to where I am. “They want me to come down to the morgue to identify Joseph's body.”

“Want me to come with you?” The last thing I need right now is another police fucking interview. I’m very good at them, but they exhaust me. Right now, I need all the energy I can get.

He shakes his head. “Stay here. I was supposed to be staying with Saskia in Windsor tonight for her bachelorette party.” He grimaces. “I’m going to have to pick her up before I head over to the police station, fill her in on what happened.”

“Okay,” I say, suddenly feeling exhausted.

As I stand up, Lorcan grabs me and he hauls me toward him, a fist full of my hair in his hands, lips hungry and demanding as they find mine. I let him consume me for a moment, then I shove him away.

“Go. You’ll be late otherwise.”

As he leaves, Dante’s words haunt me.

Nothing lasts. Dreams End.

People fucking die.