Lorcan lets out a breath, rubbing his temple. “It’s pretty damning.”

“Fuck. And Vice has already turned eighteen,” Jude says.

“So, what’s wrong with that.” I for one, am glad he’s eighteen. Sex with a seventeen year old would be too fucking young, even if it is legal in this country.

Lorcan looks at me like I’m an idiot. “It would be better if he wasn’t. He’d have an easier time if he was under the legal age.”

I frown. “Only if he’s charged. They haven’t charged him yet.”

Lorcan shakes his head. “He’s waived his rights.”

“He did what?” I snap.

“He wants to plead guilty just to make sure none of this comes back onto you,” Lorcan continues, green eyes cool and unaffected.

Something inside me snaps. I feel like I’m losing all over again and I can’t lose. I slow my breathing which has gotten out of control. There’s red at the edges of my vision and I feel like fucking screaming.

I shake my head. No. “He can’t do that.”

“He already has.”

“While you were supposedly sleeping,” Saskia says, acidly.

I say nothing. If I do the right thing and offer myself up in his place, Dino will be safe. But then it’ll be me under scrutiny. I can’t have that.

I can’t be trapped ever again.

I make an excuse to walk to the vending machine outside the library. I need water. As I’m reaching down to collect my bottle, Saskia catches up to me. It looks like she needs water too. She swipes her credit card in the slot, and buys herself one of the more expensive bottles. Then we sip in silence together until the door to the library swings closed and we’re alone.

“Bad timing with Dino being arrested, but it’s my father’s last night at the estate tonight.” She looks up at me. “Are you still able to do it?” She doesn’t need to tell me. Her wedding is tomorrow.

“Do you and Lorcan have an alibi?” Lorcan’s alibi was meant to be his trip to Italy, but now we’ll have to get creative.

“I can arrange something,” she says.

“Then it’s on. Killing monsters has never been a problem for me,” I say, taking a sip. Finally, a problem I can fucking solve.

I finish the rest of my water, crumple the bottle, and toss it in the recycling. Then I head back to join the boys.

When we get back, I glance between Lorcan and Jude.

“What did I miss?”

Jude’s pretty hazel eyes latch on to mine. “I’m turning myself in. I’m going to take the fall.”

“What do you mean, turning yourself in?”

“I’m going to tell the police it was me. Everyone here knows I supply drugs to students sometimes. The worst they can do me for, is possession and dealing.”

“That won’t work. They have photographs—”

“That show absolutely fuck all. I’ll say they were taken before I gave him the hit,” he says, nonchalantly.

“What about your feud with Razor? Won’t they put two and two together on that? You’ll go down for fucking murder,” I hiss.

“My family won’t let that happen.”

I shoot Lorcan a look. “You’re letting him do this?”