
Jude rouses me the next morning with a steaming mug of coffee. He’s wearing only a towel and his hair is wet from the shower. Toothpaste and vanilla invade my senses as he bends over to bruise my lips with a kiss.

Every part of my body reacts to his presence. And for once, my darkness is subdued. Jude was a little rough last night. I have the ligature marks and bruises to show for it. But it exhausted the fuck out of me. In a good way.

When he pulls away to get dressed into his uniform. I take the coffee from the side table, and watch as he does. It’s strange waking up in his bed rather than my own.

“Lor wants to meet in the library,” he says as he buttons up his shirt, catching my eye in the mirror before disappearing into his walk-in closet.

I raise a brow. “He’s back?”

“He got in last night. He went to see Kristian straight after, that’s why he’s not home.”

I nod, taking it in. “Can I even go to the library? I thought I was suspended?”

“Part of the library is open to the public.”

I scowl. Lorcan is in my bad books today. He fucked off right when I needed him. I almost went off the rails. I was primed to take out the drama teacher and would have, had Jude not stopped me.

Though Jude was wrong. Another body would not add to our problems. Dead is dead. No one can come back from the grave once you send them there. Tyler surviving my needle is causing us problems. Dante surviving my crossbow is causing us problems. I would say the exact opposite.

There aren’t enough dead bodies.

I stretch and feel my limbs, clench my fists, curl my fingers and toes. No actually the buzz is still there under my skin, but it’s less than it was. Jude’s actions last night tamed the beast for a few more hours at least.

Jude snorts when he comes back into the room with his blazer on and sees me naked and sprawled out in his bed. He walks over and strokes a hand over my cool skin, caressing my breasts and midriff. He plays a hand over the marks on my inner thighs, frowning. I tense, until he gets to the wetness between my legs. He idly rubs me there until I relax and let him. “Jeez. You’re like a fucking wildcat. You need your belly rubbed often, or you’ll turn fucking feral.”

“I may have to educate you. That’s not my belly.”

He inserts a couple of fingers, making me squirm in his sheets. “It’s not?” His eyes are shining.

“Come here,” I say.

“Fuck, Viola,” he groans. “I’ve just gotten dressed.” But he does what I ask and comes closer, right onto the bed. I wrap my legs around him and kiss him hard, biting his lips until I taste metal. It mingles with the mouthwash. All the while, he continues to finger fuck me, bringing me to the edge, chasing away the monster for a little longer.

After all the shit that’s happened, it’s not a bad way to wake up.

Jude drives us in, making us late. But it doesn’t matter. We’re not here to go to class. We find Lorcan in the library with Saskia. The place is dead at this hour, since it’s in the middle of morning classes. Except for the librarian with red rimmed spectacles and thin lips, who gives us concerned glances the moment Jude walks in and opens his mouth.

“So what the hell did Kristian say? Is he going to get his brother out of fucking jail or what?” he spouts as we head over to where Lorcan and Saskia are sitting at our usual table.

“Jude, keep it fucking down will you?” Lor snaps. “He’s looking into it.”

“That’s it. He’s looking into it? The poor bastard has probably been ass raped by now,” says Jude as he pulls out a chair and dumps himself into it.

I take the chair at the end since it’s closest. I’m not concerned about its position, in the center of Lorcan and Jude, until I sit down. Both guys each place a hand on my bare thigh and squeeze. Not the same one, the one closest to them. After all the sex lately, my body is primed. Sparks shoot up my spine at such close proximity, enough to make me rigid in my seat.

Lorcan leans in to kiss me on the lips but Saskia slaps her hand on the table.

“Oh my God. Stop with the public displays. We’re here to think of a way to get Dino out,” says Saskia, coming to my rescue.

“They’ll let him out in”—Lorcan glances at the clock—“nineteen hours or so.”

They look at him, appalled.

He shrugs. “He’s a big boy.”

“What about the evidence?” Jude asks.