But also I need to.

I position myself over Dino’s cock, biting my lower lip as I ease onto his length. His eyes are dark and sinful as they watch me lower myself down. Then I ride him, touching myself until a shudder brings me close. I seal his lips with a harsh kiss, grabbing his balls, digging my nails in as he comes inside me. The feel of him releasing his load into me is enough to send me over the edge.

When we’re both spent, I grab his dressing gown, and wrap it around me.

As I head to the shower, Dino snorts. “You’re just going to leave me like this?”

“See it as punishment,” I say as I leave the room.

I don’t untie Dino. I leave him there for the cleaner to find. Or Jude. I don’t fucking care who. I’m pissed about the suspension. I don’t understand why they want to keep me away from him. Are they jealous? It’s not like I’m fucking Dante.

They can’t be jealous, can they?

After the boys leave me alone in the house, I go a little crazy from boredom. I end up cutting holes in every one of Lorcan’s shirts. It’s stress relieving and stops the buzzing from making me flip out and kill someone. Destructive damage. If only I’d have thought of this before.

It’s lucky the boys aren’t still here, because if they were, I’d probably do some damage to them too. That’s the mental state I’m in right now. When the shirts run out, the only other thing stopping me from doing actual harm is that on my bed when I go back to my room are the keys to the Duke estate and Lorcan’s laptop.

And a note. Use me.

Lorcan must have left it there when I was punishing Dino. He’s giving me a project. Okay, I’ll bite. Using Dino this morning eased some of the anger, but the rest I plan to take out on Joseph.

I take my Beetle and drive to Whitechapel. The Dukes’ estate is peaceful at this hour. According to Lorcan, Saskia moved out when he did, and Joseph hardly steps foot in the place anymore because the decor reminds him too much of his late wife. Usually only the staff are present, and even then they’re paid to blend into the background.

When I don’t see anyone going in or out, I fish out Lorcan’s laptop and start it up and connect to the estate wifi using the instructions Lorcan left me on a sticky note. Then I use the password he whispered in my ear while he was fucking me senseless the night before to login into the cameras at the mansion.

There’s no one showing in any of the rooms after I take a quick virtual tour but that means nothing. He’s probably at the office. Joseph was staying at the hotel, but I know he moved back to the estate for the wedding on Thursday.

Unlike my usual prey, there’s no need to lure him anywhere. I don’t need to seduce him. All I have to do is kill him in his sleep. With Lorcan out of the country, it’s best to do it tonight. And then, as soon as the blood sample arrives, I’m going to plant it at Hans’s house and then use it to blackmail Dante into leaving me alone.

For once.

I have everything under control.

I don’t haveLorcan’s or Jude’s family to smooth things over. I don’t have Quinn to wave her magical techie wand. I don’t even have my fucking knife. But it’s not like they can stop me from heading to school and stalking Dante from outside. Obviously, I’m not going to go in.

I drive to the parking lot and loiter there. I use Locan’s laptop to keep me busy while I keep an eye on the school gates. If Dante leaves, I want to know about it. The rest of the day goes slowly, too slowly. I keep checking my phone for notifications. The sample should be delivered by now. Finally, Dino saunters out of the entrance doors. I know it’s Dino because his red hair is like a beacon.

He storms over, eyes blazing. “You’re not meant to be here,” he says through the open window.

“I’m not. Look, I’m not even in my uniform. Where’s Jude?”

Dino sighs and opens the Beetle passenger door. He gets in. “He’s not in school today. He has a meeting with his lawyer to sort out his inheritance.”

“I didn’t think you’d be in today either,” I say innocently.

He grins, eyes sweeping over my entire body. “You fucking got me there. The cleaner had to untie me.”

Movement out the corner of my eye makes me look up. Someone else has come out of the school. As they walk toward us, I see it’s Miss Douglas. I wind the window up and lock the doors so that when she gets to the car, she has to bang on the glass.

I take my time winding it down the smallest gap but she’s already stepping back.

“Mr Vice,” she says quickly. “You’re to report to the headmasters office immediately.” The look on her pale face is utter fear as she says it. Then she turns around, hurrying back the way she came.

“Something’s wrong. We need to leave,” Dino murmurs.

Too late. There’s the unmistakable sound of police sirens. My phone pings. I look down at it in my hand.

A message from Dante.

One down, two to go.