Abruptly, he lets me go. I can still feel where his fingers dug into my flesh. I swallow hard and breathe in.

Fucker. He’s enjoying this teacher and student roleplay thing way too fucking much. I grit my teeth and flash a smile. “How do you know I’m not going to get you done for assault on a student.”

He gives a harsh laugh. “Teachers assaulting students. I didn’t think this school took allegations like that seriously. Is that why you’re here? Viola the vigilante. It has a nice ring to it for an assassin no one will hire.”

I give him a veiled look. “Polina isn’t the only employer.”

“No but word gets around. You’re finished V.”

“And so what, you’re here to put me out of my misery?”

He allows a smile to spread over his lips. It doesn’t reach his eyes. “I’m here to take you home.”

Adrenaline surges and air rushes into my lungs.

Of all the things….

“You wouldn’t fucking dare,” I say. But as soon as I’ve said the words, I know he would. Unlike me, Dante wasn’t abused as a child. He doesn’t have a father like mine. As far as I know, he doesn’t even have one.

“You’re still his lapdog aren’t you?”

“So are you. Who do you think Polina works for?”

“Polina works for Iskar,” I say with a glare.

“And Iskar works for your father. See it all goes round and round. Everything happens for a reason.”

How could I be so stupid. “You’d have to take my cold, dead body, because that’s the only way I’d ever go back.”

He cocks his head. “That could be arranged.”

My phone vibrates, letting me know I have a message. I know it’s from Dino without checking.

“I have to go,” I say quickly.

He cocks his head. “Got what you needed?”

I shoot Dante a look, exiting the classroom quickly, almost stumbling into the corridor. My legs are like jelly. Fucking body. I may not understand certain social nuances or feel emotions, but my body still loves to act out when it’s cornered.

The main hallway is busy with students hanging out during lunch break. I push through, trying not to scream when they touch me, ignoring the looks everyone is giving me. When I’m a safe distance, and I can fucking breathe again, I pull my phone out of my blazer pocket.

Got the tray. We’re waiting for you in the parking lot.

It’s from Jude not Dino or Lorcan, but same difference. I’m actually relieved it is Jude. I never thought I’d say this, but he’s a lot easier to deal with.

In the parking lot, Jude is leaning back against his car outside the entrance, hands in his pockets. Despite the lack of sun today, he’s got a pair of sunglasses on hiding his eyes. Dino is standing next to him on his phone. The tray and its contents are nowhere to be seen.

“Where is it?”

“Bagged and in the trunk,” Says Dino, looking up from his messages. He narrows his eyes, striding forward. He places his hands gently on my neck. “Your neck. It’s fucking bright red. What did that bastard do to you?”

“We talked,” I croak. That only makes Dino’s jaw tighten and his dimple pop out. I clear my throat. “I’m fine,” I hiss.

Jude snorts and shakes his head. “That’s some talk. His hand prints are all over you.”

“Just tell me you haven’t been drinking?” I need Jude to drive the contents of the tray with Dante’s saliva on it to the lab.

His eyes narrow. “I drove in today. Of course I fucking haven’t. I haven’t had a drink in days.”