“Stop asking me if I’m sure. Just do it,” I say.

I want this. I need this. If I can’t kill someone, then I need to be devoured.

Dino runs his hand through my hair, and pulls my head back as he licks my collar bone and neck. Soft, teasing bites make me shiver. I try to reach for his hard length, but Lorcan’s arms around me tethers me to him instead.

“Not so fast,” Lorcan says. “Let him do it his way.” He grinds further into my rear, melting me on the spot. “Relax into it. We’ve got you.”

They’ve got me.

They’ve fucking got me.

Finally—in his own time much to my frustration—Dino parts my thighs in his strong grip, shoving into my wetness slowly. The feel of them both inside me makes me gasp and want to claw and bite. But Lorcan has my upper body trapped against him, and Dino restrains me easily, possessing a fistful of my hair.

Still. I writhe between them. Lorcan kisses my neck, whispering softly, taming me like I’m a wild animal. Dino relents and kisses me, his tongue delving into my mouth and between my teeth. I bite down until I taste blood. And free myself enough to claw at Lorcan’s arms. But they don’t let up. Until I come, the orgasm sweeping through me without fucking mercy.

“Now our turn,” Lorcan says after I’ve shuddered and come apart in their arms, my own raw need met.

“Don’t…” I start to say, but my words are lost as Dino begins thrusting hard. Then Lorcan moves. And the feel of them both at once, forcing deeper, creating delicious friction, pounds me into submission. Until I’m unable to think, let alone speak.

It’s all too much. I bite down hard on the nearest thing—Dino’s shoulder.

He groans, cock jerking inside me as he comes. At the same time, Lorcan, arms tightening around me as he hugs me close, destroys me completely by releasing inside me too.

“You assholes,” I mumble as exhaustion suddenly claims me.

“Shut the fuck up,” Lorcan drawls, kisses the nape of my neck.

“You know you’re ours,” Dino adds, kissing my forehead. “Don’t fight it.” I know he’s bleeding because I can taste blood in my mouth, but I make no move to clean him up.

“Where I bit you. You need to see to that,” I say to Dino, as I drift off.

“I will, now go to sleep.” He kisses my lips as Lorcan spoons me closer. Tucked between the two of them, I do just that.