As the door clicks closed behind us, he steers me into the master bedroom. Casually, he flicks a switch on the wall and a hidden door opens up revealing a room with an array of monitors. Some have images of what look to be master bedrooms within the hotel, others have views into private sex rooms.

“What is this?”

Lorcan doesn’t answer me, instead he goes up to the control panel and flicks through the images until he gets to the penthouse master bedroom we were just in. He rewinds the footage and then pauses it. You can clearly see me entering and snoop around. Fucking hell.

“I didn’t know there were cameras,” I say.

“Of course you didn’t, no one knows. Not even Sas.” He presses the erase button. “Moral of the story, don’t fucking lie to me.” His voice is smooth as honey, but his jaw is tight and his eyes are slitted in my direction.

“Noted,” I say. What else is there to say? “How did you know about the cameras, if Saskia doesn’t?”

“There’s one just like it at the manor,” he scoffs.

I raise a brow. “That hidden door in your room. It’s not just an escape hatch?”

“Every room in that house is fucking monitored.”

“It’s why you moved out,” I say.

He looks at me, eyes narrowed. After a pause, he sighs. “The day I killed Blair, I turned them off. It was the only time I’ve ever done that. He was livid. Changed all the codes. That was never going to stop me, but now I just let him think that it has. I get to control what he sees.”

He scrolls through more rooms, turning certain cameras off as if to drill home the point.

“Won’t he know you’ve tampered with these?”

“He has so many feeds, he doesn’t watch them all. And if he does, I’ll tell him I wanted to fuck you without being watched,” he says without batting an eyelid.

“I see,” I say. The buzzing under my skin sharpens at his words.

“Come on,” he says, taking my arm and leading me out of the suite, escorting me to another floor where the boys have rooms. “All this talk of fucking is making me too damn horny.”