“Unfortunately, no. I didn’t get the athletic gene, just the height.”
“I’d say you got a pretty good deal in the talent department,” the host said. “Do either of them sing?”
Trenton chuckled. “You better hope they don’t.”
“Ah, I see. They got the size but not the voice.”
“Something like that.”
“And what’s the story behind the picture?”
Trenton shrugged. “No story, really. I went to see them play when their teams played one another, and someone took a picture.”
“It’s a brilliant publicity stunt. I can’t go on the internet without seeing your picture. The latest one has you onstage with Michael Jackson.”
“There was no stunt,” Trenton said. “It was just me supporting my family.”
“So I don’t need to hire your publicist, then,” the host joked. “Because you can’t buy that kind of publicity.”
“No, you can’t,” Trenton said. “And frankly, I wouldn’t want to.”
“Okay, I get that.” The host looked at Carlita. “You’re fresh off yourMi Amortour.”
While the host chatted with Carlita, Georgia showed me some pictures she’d pulled up on her phone. “See?” she said as she scrolled. “There are tons of them.”
Trenton had been inserted into some ridiculous photos, everything from WWF wrestling to a zoo setting. They all had “Who’s the other guy?” somewhere on the picture.
I shook my head. “I still don’t get it.”
“It started with the picture with his cousins. Someone asked who the other guy was, referring to Trenton. It took off from there, and people started making their own.”
I scrolled through the images. “Is that him with Dora the Explorer?”
Georgia looked at the image I was pointing to. “Eh… some are better than others.”
“I still don’t understand why people find it funny.” Trenton was an internationally known recording artist. More people than not should recognize him.
“Because of the ridiculousness of it, I guess? I don’t know. Memes are weird.”
We turned our attention back to the show. “There are rumors,” the host said, “about the new season ofSing Battle.″
“Oooh.” Carlita leaned in as if preparing herself for juicy gossip. “What have you heard?”
“That you two are involved.” The host laughed. “With the show, not each other.”
“I’m not that lucky.” Carlita patted Trenton’s thigh, and I had an unreasonable urge to punch her in her cute little face. He smiled, letting her continue to take the lead. “But that other part might be true,” she said.
“And so are twenty-two other celebrities,” the host prompted.
Carlita leaned close to Trenton. “Should we tell him?”
Trenton looked straight into the camera and then back at her. “That’s why we’re here.” He straightened. ”Sing Battleis going to be crazy this season. It’s all about duets.”
“Let me make sure I’m understanding this correctly.” The host gestured with his hands. “Twenty-four celebrities will be on the show to do duets?”
“Yes,” Trenton confirmed. “The people atSing Battlehave outdone themselves. It’s going to be epic.”
“Well, with you two as part of the show, I would think so. Any chance you can tell us who else is involved?”