Chapter 6

Bubbling with anticipation, Emma held Anthony’s arm as they went down the icy halls and staircases. He wanted her! Even an innocent could recognize the desire in his voice and his touch. He hadn’t been uninterested before, merely giving her the period of adjustment that she’d requested.

Well, she was ready to be a wife now. In fact, she was eager for this long-awaited evening to be over so they could return to their room, and the waiting bed.

The thought made her glance up shyly. He met her gaze, and gave her an intimate smile.His one and only. The knowledge made her want to turn somersaults the way she had when in the nursery.

Almost floating, she let him guide her toward the main salon, where the adults were meeting for pre-dinner sherry. The great house looked exactly as she remembered, with the scent of pine boughs and the bright colors of holly berries and scarlet ribbons everywhere. Christmas at Harley was magical.

The salon was already teeming with people and noisy with talk when they entered. Emma looked around, trying to put names to faces. Most were cousins of some sort, though older family members had generally been made honorary aunts and uncles. Heavens, Aunt Agatha had put on weight. Lord only knew who that tall youth was, except that he was obviously a Vaughn. And was that young woman in blue her cousin Margaret, or could it be Margaret’s sister, Mary?

Someone called out happily, “Verlaine has arrived!”

Emma smiled a little wryly, knowing it would be like this for the rest of their lives. It was Anthony whom people would remember, Anthony who would bring that smile to their faces. He had the same effect on her. As long as he was hers, she didn’t mind sharing his attention at gatherings such as these.

People crowded forward to offer hugs and best wishes on their marriage. Emma knew she must be glowing like a Christmas candle. She’d dreamed of this warm welcome for ten years, and never believed she would feel it again. Once more she was a Vaughn among Vaughns. And to judge by the admiration in men’s eyes, Anthony had not been lying when he said that she looked well.

The dowager duchess entered the room through another door, and many of the group around Emma and Anthony went to greet her. The dowager had been a great beauty as a girl, and she still was.

As the crowd thinned, Emma saw a young woman standing by the great fireplace, her gaze turned in their direction. Emma caught her breath with surprise. It was Cecilia, and she hadn’t changed at all. She must be near thirty, but even after two children, she was slim and graceful. As beautiful as she had always been.

Taking leave of the ancient aunt with whom she had been speaking, Cecilia came to greet the newcomers, her golden hair shining in the light of dozens of candles. Coming to a stop, she said, “It’s wonderful to see you again, Emma. I’m so glad you’re here.”

The warmth in her voice seemed sincere; Cecilia had always been very pleasant to Emma. It wasn’t her fault that her petite blond beauty made Emma feel like a great graceless ox by comparison. Barely managing a smile, Emma said, “Thank you, Cecilia. You look marvelous. Do your children favor you or Brand?”

“They are unmistakably Vaughns.” Cecilia’s face tightened and she turned to offer Anthony her hand. “Verlaine. It’s been a long time since you’ve come to Harley.”

“Cecilia.” Anthony bowed over her hand, then straightened, still holding it. “It’s…it’s good to be here again.” The tension between him and Cecilia was palpable.

Emma felt as if she’d been struck a physical blow. Of course there would be some reaction when two people who had once been sweethearts met again, but she had not expected Anthony to turn to marble. Blast it, she thought he’d put his feelings for Cecilia behind him! Instead, he was gaping like a moon calf.

The two were still gazing at each other as if they were alone in the room. Feeling invisible, Emma released Anthony’s left arm. He didn’t even notice.

The moment stretched for a painful eternity. Then a dark-haired man who looked like a slightly smaller version of Anthony materialized by Cecilia’s side. It was Brand, looking as if he wanted to do murder. Taking his wife’s arm, he said in a low, bitter voice, “Since this is my father’s house, I cannot ask you to leave, or even cut you, Verlaine. But do not expect civility.”

Anthony tore his gaze away from Cecilia and looked at his former friend. Visibly struggling to collect himself, he said, “I had hoped we would be able to make peace, Brand. I behaved badly the last time I was here, and you have my most sincere apology.” He extended his hand tentatively.

His cousin looked as if he wanted to cut it off. “I’d rather invite the Great Plague to dinner than take your hand, Verlaine.” He pivoted and stalked off, taking Cecilia with him. She cast a last miserable look over her shoulder, then went obediently.

Unable to face Anthony, Emma also spun away. She walked rather blindly through the room until she almost ran into an elderly man, Lord Edward Vaughn, the present duke’s uncle.

“Emma, my dear child, how lovely to see you,” he said jovially. Taking her hand, he drew her under a beribboned kissing bough that hung in the arch that divided the salon into two parts. Every open arch in Harley had a similar kissing bough. After a swift peck on the cheek, he said with twinkling eyes, “One of the advantages of being an old man is that I can now kiss all the pretty girls and my wife won’t have my head for it.”

Laughing, she said, “You’re not that old, Uncle Edward. Not even seventy, and looking ten years younger.” All of the Vaughns aged well; in another forty years, Anthony would look very like Lord Edward. Thinking of Anthony sent a pang through her. With a determined smile, she said, “Where is Lady Edward? I haven’t seen her yet.”

“Charlotte sent me to get you.” Taking Emma’s arm, he escorted her to a corner where his round, cheerful-looking wife was relaxing on a sofa. “Doesn’t get around as well as she did, but she can still ask questions!”

Gratefully Emma sank down beside Lady Edward and prepared for a good-natured interrogation. At least it would keep her from thinking about Anthony, and his reunion with the divinely beautiful Cecilia.

* * *

After Brand towed Cecilia away, Anthony took a deep, slow breath, startled at the turmoil of his own feelings. He thought he’d gotten over Cecilia years before. After all, she’d dropped him like a hot coal once she received got a better offer. Yet seeing her had knocked him heels over head. He’d forgotten the impact of her beauty.

Yearning for Emma’s good sense, he looked around and couldn’t find her. Damnation, what must she be thinking? He had a fair idea, and the thought was not pleasant. He was about to start searching in earnest when the dinner bell rang. The dowager duchess suddenly appeared beside him with feline suddenness. She even had the sleekness and composure of a small, silver hair-haired cat. “You shall take me into dinner, Verlaine, and then sit beside me,” she announced.

One did not refuse an order from the Dowager Duchess of Warrington. He offered his arm. “It will be my honor, Grandmére. I haven’t seen you in far too long.”

Not that she was his grandmother, but every Vaughn under the age of fifty called her that. As he led the dowager into the dining room, his heart gave a painful twinge. If he could not make peace with Brand this Christmas, he would be unable to return. A gentleman did not make another man uncomfortable in the man’s own home. Aloud, he said, “Where do you wish to sit, Grandmére?”