Laurent ducked his head, giving them both a withering look before turning my way. “Let me know if there’s any trouble?”

“Right,” I mumbled.

Laurent pushed the sliding door once more and passed through, leaving me alone with, essentially, three strangers. Two of whom, I was certain, would have happily thrown me off the train once it started moving.

The twins stared at me, unblinking.

“So, um. I’m… excited to do a routine with you both. Your acrobatic skills are unparalleled,” I started, thinking I might try to melt some of the ice they harbored towards me with kindness.

They each raised an eyebrow in unison, clearly doubtful of my sincerity. In complimenting their act, I didn’t have any ulterior motive. There was no point in faking cordiality, since I was sure it wouldn’t have made a difference in how they felt about me. I actually thought their act was great. Being afraid of heights most of my life, I couldn’t imagine doing what they did.

“Of course, our acrobatic skills are incredible,” Mariah scoffed, as if I was simply stating the obvious and wasting her time.

“We’re the best in the country,” Maleah added.

“I don’t doubt that.” Before I could say another word, Gesso cleared his throat, gesturing for me to take a seat between the twins.

“So, new girl,” Mariah began as I squeezed my chair between them, “are you going to share all the juicy details about what Laurent is like behind closed doors?”

I stopped cold, not sitting down but hovering above my chair. My face flushed and my mouth opened and closed a few times like a fish gasping for air. “E-excuse me?”

“My sister asked you how good the boss was in bed,” Maleah explained with a shrug like Mariah hadn’t just asked what she’d asked.

I felt the blood drain from my face. “I wouldn’t know,” I answered, eyes narrowed.

“Hmm, that sounds like a lie,” Maleah insisted.

Her sister nodded. “It’s the only explanation for how he treats you.”

“Yeah, and why he suddenly decided to add you to the promotion poster. The poster was supposed to feature us as the stars.”

“The only explanation,” Maleah emphasized.

“I don’t know what to tell you,” I stammered, still completely shocked and mortified at what they were not so subtly hinting at.

Gesso, unconcerned with the conversation, let out a sharp whistle to grab our attention. The tip of his pencil hovered over his pad of paper as he scowled at all of us before returning to his drawing. We held our tongues and remained still, letting him sketch whatever it was he was sketching.

“What did you promise him, then?” Mariah muttered, doing her best not to move her mouth.

My stomach bubbled with indignant rage. I couldn’t believe their audacity. “I’ve promised him nothing! And even if I had, it’s certainly none of your business.”

The twins snorted. Gesso cleared his throat and gave us another pointed look. Again, we sat in blissful silence for a few minutes. Eventually, they couldn’t help themselves and started in on me again.

“You’re not even that pretty,” Mariah said.

“Your talent’s not that spectacular either,” Maleah added.

“You’re fairly boring, overall,” Mariah said.

“So, how’d you manage to wrap Laurent around your little finger?” inquired Maleah. “We all know the only thing Laurent’s ever interested in is what’s between a woman’s legs.”

I swallowed hard as they both laughed at my reaction.

“Did you think you were the only one?” Maleah asked.

Mariah laughed. “We’ve both been there and done that… at the same time.”

I slapped my hands against the chair, allowing my anger to fuel my response instead of the hurt I felt at their unjustified insults. “Maybe the only reason Laurent treats me kindly is because I’m not a childish little girl, trying to constantly be the center of attention?” The nasty response flew out of my mouth before my brain could catch up and I immediately regretted it. The smug looks on their faces clearly told me it was definitely a mistake. Before either could reply, Gesso slammed his free foot on the ground and growled.