He'd be a fucking wreck, that's what.

Yes, she'd most likely saved his life, as well as Ambrose's, but at what cost?

No.His bride was strong, stubborn, and she'd pull through. He had to believe that.

Plus she gave her all to try to save everyone she cared for, and wouldn't leave that fight unfinished if she could help it.

Not just her siblings in the future either. Because even if she hadn't said anything, he knew she cared not only about him, but Nora and Ambrose as well. His sister had come so far since first meeting Yesenia; and even Ambrose had risked opening up to her, more than he usually did with strangers so quickly.

He spoke again. "And I suspect that's only the beginning of your plans for us all, isn't it?" He gently pressed his forehead against hers, needing the warmth of her skin against his to remind him she was still alive. "But if you want to start that business you spoke of and bring your siblings here to upset my gaming hell further, you need to wake up and make a full recovery, Yesenia Vale soon-to-be Yates. If I have to order you not to wake up just so you'll do it, I will." He kissed her nose. "Just come back to us, love."

And as Leo continued to murmur words of what he wanted to do with her when she regained consciousness, he soon lost the battle to stay awake, and fell into an exhausted sleep with his bride wrapped protectively in his arms.